You're A Demon, Bill <Billdip>

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Have ya'll watched the last episode of Gravity Falls?
I have, about millions of times
Do you, reader, even watch Gravity Falls?
...I mean, here's a Gravity Falls oneshot of the demon and smart guy!
Dipper's POV

I step out, breathing in the fresh air, sounds quite weird. This isn't another adventure surprisingly, I'll be taking a stroll down the woods, with or without Mabel. She'll just probably surprise me during the walk, I wouldn't care if she did. Waddles would probably be there with her, I wonder if Gruncle (Grunkle? people spell it differently) Stan ever got close to Waddles.

As I mumble the words to my favorite song, Disco Girl, A laugh with sheer delight echoed around me. I roll my eyes, another visit? Not again. A figure appeared right infront of me, I just stood there, looking unamused as usual. It was non other than Bill Cipher himself.

"Was it better this time?" "Keep on trying, Bill." I say, walking around him. Bill floating right above of me "Taking a stroll around the woods without your sister, Pine Tree?" he asks, I grin. Normally, whenever he'd visit, he always sees Mabel just right beside or somewhere close.

"May I join you, if so?" I nod, he takes my hand and this is where the true relationship between Bill and I becomes visible. I may or may not have fallen for a demon, we came out to the others a few weeks ago and surprisingly, they were chill about it. Especially my sister. Such a fangirl.

I smile as I noticed the path we were taking, we're going to that special spot. Special spot being the time we kissed, he was my first. "Conversation?" "I was thinking about us?" My smile slowly fades, Bill looks at me and immediately, his smile drops as well.

"N-no! Not like that, nothing bad. I mean..let's just talk about our relationship in a good way? I'm not..going to plan anything horrible that could break both of our hearts. I would never." he reassures, I smile and sigh in relief. "What do you want to talk about? Like any..any certain topic related to us?"

"How long we could last." My smile drops again "Bill! Don't say scary things!" Bill just laughs and explains what he meant by 'How long we could last.' "I mean..your mortality and my immortality..won't that, I don't know..affect the time we have together? Can't we..just try to make it last? Use magic to make us last forever?"

"Bill..I understand what you mean, I would love to be immortal like you but..It's apart of life, I was meant to be a mortal and you were meant to be an immortal. You're a demon, Bill, I'm not. Someday, I'm going to be in a coffin, stuck in a permanent slumber. Even if we could never last, we could atleast be stuck in eachothers memory bank. The time we'd have what matters, not how long we could stay together. We just have to accept whatever comes at us."

Bill looks up at the beautiful view of Gravity Falls, dramatically. "I guess you're right.." I give a small smile "I'm always right, Bill.." He rolles his eyes, forming a grin. "I love you, Dipper. And your brain." He called me Dipper. He called me by my real name!

"Wow. You called me Dipper." "Don't ruin it, Pine Tree." I chuckle as I rest my head on his shoulder, my hand reaching for his "I love you too, Bill."

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