Sleepover! -Ryden-

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Yas Ryden
Sorry that ship is getting to me
love ya'll!

Everyone's tired, everyone's excited to go home, Ryan is resisting the urge to sleep and stay up, I'm up, tired but don't want to sleep just yet, we reached my place because my house was the first we stopped by so they asked if they could stay, we entered my house.

"Thanks so much Brendon!, we just really need some sleep" Spencer said yawning

I chuckled "Yeah but you guys need to change.."

Everyone opened up their bags to see if they have clean clothing or any clothing okay to use, luckily they did have some although Ryan didn't, everyone looked at him

"Nothing?" Jon said looking at the closed bag and back at Ryan

Ryan ran a hand through his hair and sighed, shaking his head, yes we are dating and I am not afraid to shout it, but Ryan needs time as he says and I respect that

"I'll just sleep with these clothes" he said putting his bag aside

I took his hand and he looked at me "No, I'm lending you my clothes"

"What if none fits?"

"Don't care, you'll look cute"

Spencer and Jon chuckled at the thought "Hey back off he's mine"

They raised their hands and played Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who'll take a shower first
I was carrying clothes to the bathroom then back to my room, Ryan was the last and we didn't think this through, we could've fit the clothes earlier but Tumblr got us so..whoops

"This doesn't fit either!" he said handing out another pair of pants and a shirt out the door

"Just wear one! don't care it doesn't fit!" I said reaching for the knob

"Don't even think of opening the door!" I laughed, I went back to my room

"Brendon? I don't wanna wear a shirt that doesn't fit me, I'll look stupid!" he screamed from the bathroom

he is so freaking adorable, he is my cat, no one else's, allll mine, I was digging deeper into my closet trying to find a shirt and a pair of pants, I found a plain red shirt and some pants (eh [insert name of pants here]) and went back to Ryro

"How about this love?" I said putting my hand through the small gap he left

His hand got the pair and I waited, I grinned and ran downstairs

~two minutes later~
"Beebo? you seem quiet, the shirt and pants fit" I said going out of the bathroom to see no sign of him

I went to Spencer's room "Hey Spence, have you seen Beebo?" he shook his head along with Jon

I checked his room "Brendon?" no sign, just a messy closet

I went downstairs to find a small tent with a sign 'No Girls (except Spencer)' blankets and pillows inside it as well, I went closer and smiled, how he do this in two minutes?

"Oh hey love" Brendon said (casually) out of nowhere making me turn around to see him standing there

I chuckled and ran over to him, hugging him tight, he kissed my head

"What's all this?" I asked gesturing over to the whole tent thing

"It's for us Ryro! we're sleeping in a tent, just the two of us" he said carefully getting inside and lying down

I did the same just wanting to sleep with my boyfriend, he pulled me closer to him

"Goodnight, I love you!"
Brendon POV
I felt an arm around my waist and a hand on my head, I opened my eyes to see Ryan sat up(legs still lying down, you get what I'm saying?) holding my waist and a hand rested on my head, admiring me

"Goodmorning!" I said stretching a little bit




"I love you so much"

I smiled "I love you too, Ryan, I love you too"

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