Merry Christmas Love [Imagine]

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This is a special chapter
In this chapter, you imagine yourself with your crush!
Merry Christmas!
Oh by the way, you can let your friend read this if you want them to imagine this with their crush :3

December 22,2015

Some people always visit their love ones on Christmas, and that was his/her plan today, to come back from London and visit you, but some things doesn't always go as plan

'Listen, I don't know if I'll be able to go home early..'

He/She said to you


'But I will make it, don't worry'

And with that, you just smiled and said okay, hanging up

You looked outside and saw some people hanging up more decors, you smiled and looked at your own Christmas tree, presents from friends was under it some were from relatives.

You made yourself a snack and picked a movie to watch, surely this would keep your mind off of him/her

The movie did in fact help your mind, but it also made you sleepy and fell asleep on the couch

December 23, 2015

You woke up surprised you weren't in your room and shot up

You sighed in relief knowing you were just on your couch, dirty plate left on the table

You had an epitome, it was Christmas Eve tomorrow and yet you haven't prepared

'Hey..I'm not sure if I'll be able to come home'

"You promised me.." you replied slowly setting your phone down

You were preparing everything and just left it as you had time to finish it tomorrow

Your parents will be coming this Christmas, atleast you won't be that lonely right?

All you could do was just watch T.V at the moment, you didn't feel like going out the house

Mainly because you didn't want to see others with their loved ones, you wanted to be with him/her

The christmas spirit slowly disappeared and you just didn't feel it anymore

But of course, you tried anyways

December 24, 2015

You finished everything and after that, you didn't do anything, you forced yourself to go outside and take your mind off of things

So you did, and getting greeted by strangers made you a little happy, you just needed someone right now

You went to the park to see alot of people there, you found a bench and sat down

Watching children play was the only thing you could do at the moment, some would look at you and smile

'I wish I had that kind of spirit today..'

You thought when another smiled at you, you checked your watch and decided to head home

You sat there, eating alone, you know your friends would be off drinking or partying, but you're not into those kind of stuff

You don't know if you should be mad or disappointed right now, that by the fact he/she won't be able to come home this Christmas is just..tragic

But of course, you can't just not celebrate Christmas, you have your family so might as well celebrate it with them, their more special anyways

December 25, 2015 A.K.A Christmas!

You woke up and smiled a little, yes you are sad but you just can't help it

Looking outside your window realizing it was snowing

You went to the bathroom and cleaned up, you made yourself some hot chocolate and put on your clothing appropriate for the event

You went outside and noticed alot of kids playing alot with some teens, you looked at the ground unsure of what to do with all the snow until you just shrugged and decided to build a snowman

As hours passed, everyone started to slowly go back inside, you was just watching anyways so might as well go inside

You took off your gear and cleaned up your place, preparing the food and everything for your parents' visit

But as you were fixing the table, someone knocked on your door, you thought it was just one of your friends or something so you answered it

Surprise, Surprise it was your partner

"[Insert name of crush here] you made it!"

He/She smiled at you and hugged you tight

"I couldn't leave you this Christmas, I know your family is coming but..I know you'll be sad and all" He/She explained

You wanted to cry tears of joy, just for them love is strong in this one, you gotta admit that

You just pulled them in for a sweet kiss, of course they kissed back

The kiss lasted not that long as both of you know, some things has to be prepared

Your foreheads were rested against eachothers until you pulled in for one more hug

"Merry Christmas, love" He/She whispered into your ear before hugging back

Rubbish but eh
Merry Christmas guys!
Thank you for taking some of your time to read some of my stories!
and if no one told you yet..
You matter to me :)
I'm sorry for a bad chapter but that's all I could do for now
Goodbyee :)

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