raucous bet stuff.

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"I'm completely unbeatable," I bragged, flipping my hair to one side. "I've gotten in yet another girl's pants. Holla to me! Word." I flashed the peace sign and smirked. Chad stared at me in shock. "Alex, you're pretty fly for a white guy," he told me. "I know right? I am offically the King of Manwhore-ness. What's a better title than that?" I asked Chad and Brad, who were not twins in case you were wondering. They both shook their heads. "Nothing," they answered in unison. "But . . ." Chad began, grinning evilly. "Let's put that title to the test."

"What the hell are you talking about, Brad?"

"I'm Chad, you idiot. Anyways . . . I bet that you can't get into Audrey Wilson's pants before the school year ends," he proclaimed.

I smirked. "Easy. But what's in it for me?"

"The V, of course," Brad chimed in. "Or in some terms, the P. Wink, wink."

"I get that everyday," I snapped, waving them off. "Anything else you got?"

"Umm . . . one hundred thousand dollars?"


You've come across this story before. Come on, we all have. These bet stories were all the rage in simplier Wattpad times. They've gotten less popular, but still there are loads of those motherfuckers.  Bad Boy stories have won this battle, however.

Anyways, I hate these stories. Loathe with a passion. I despise them more than the werewolf-possessive-sexy-alpha-mate-who-rejected-me stories, simply because these make no fucking sense. First of all, how the hell does a teenage boy with no job whatsoever (and we're all assuming he is at least middle-class) attain one hundred thousand dollars?

Does it just appear? Does it just grow on the trees in his backyard? Is he some fucking wizard? Can he lend me some money? People know I need it.

Second of all, if the guy is so popular and everyone knows he's a player, why are all the girls so shocked when they get their hearts broken? Like WTF? That's like only paying for a lap-dance and getting all pissed off when you don't get the full treat. Seriously. That's cade talk for idiotic bullshit.

(And that "they want to be the one to change him" line is completely stupid, so just stop.)

Third of all, it's always that supposedly badass hard-to-get girl who has become a badass, rebel tomboy for reasoning unknown. Which, excuse moi, is supposed to be the fucking mystery. Like, make the bet with some chick who's easy to get. Then the story will end faster.

20 and above chapters just to drown on and on as she slowly falls into his trap. She goes back and forth asking herself what should I do and should I trust him and should I believe this lying bastard who has taken no interest in me until now and OMG, DO I LOVE HIM? But oh no, it's okay! Because he's not a player anymore! She has changed him! Out of 500 fucking girls, this special one is the one for him. Oh lovely.

Another thing, shouldn't he get tested? May be spreading some STDS around if you're picking up what I'm putting down. If someone included that in their player stories, I'd be so interested. It'd be more realistic and whatnot. Hint, hint. Wonder how parents would react to finding out their little girl has STD'S due to be a idiot?

I am giving you people gold here!

[p.s]: Anyone remember Chad? Yeah, he amuses me. Even if I am only using him to fulfill my example needs . . . sorry Chad, it was just a bet. . .


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