raucous 1D sex slave stuff.

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So, after waking up from a wonderful nap, I jump on the computer and see three new messages. Two out three of concerning these 1D sex slave stories. One has a story in specific (which I will be ranting about it) and another has just every last "I'M 1D'S SEX SLAVE?" story in existence and it's sickening. One is even called "virgin sex slave" (lowercase like that).

So there's that story, now here's the specific one I was sent:

The story starts with the girl waking up to an alarm clock and putting on her ugly and depressing school uniform. She wishes that she lived in America so that she wouldn't have to wear it. Umm, news flash darling, we have uniforms here too. I have to wear them to the school I go to. Jesus fucking Christ.

She goes downstairs and sees her parents talking. She asks what's wrong, they say nothing, blah blah blah, "Shit!!!" is yelled when the MC sees the clock. Ugh, this is torture.

Blah blah blah, we find out it's a 15 minute walk to school from her house. She ends up late and she's called to the office . . . oh my god, I wonder what will happen! . . . And that's the end of the first chapter.

Okay, so the teachers have permission to give her a 10 minute detention and she instantly wants to die. (Not really, but it might as well have said that by how dramatic and upset she was.) To improve her math grades, she's getting tutors. Oh my god. Notice the plural. Yup, she has more than one (-sighs-why the fuck not?) and can we all guess who they are?

COUGH. One Direction. COUGH.

Sssh. I don't want to spill the "secret"!

Anyways. Later on, the mc and her friends spot five hot guys stepping out of a car and walking into the school in slow motion. (Again, let me be dramatic!) The mc and her friends are gossiping and sunbathing on the school field at lunch when they see them. Umm, they're late, but I guess they won't get in trouble right? Because they're so smart and they're fucking One Direction!

"Hey (nickname), what if they're the new tutors" said _____. "I doubt it, they're too hot to do that" I joked.

First of all, One Direction is . . . One Direction. They have fangirls. Crazy as hell fangirls. Like, if you read Play Gay in which Emerald is Noah's personal fangirl, even crazier than that bitch. And that's crazy. So why the hell would they attend a public school filled with them? Most celebrities are home-schooled.

Aren't they al in their twenties? Why would they be in school? And by the way, the mc is 15, so yeah. Don't know what the hell is going on there, but you know . . .

"I let out a squeal as I realised there were two members of One Direction in front of me!!!"

Umm . . . cookie, medal, award, applause, or kudos-chose.

"Hi ___, I'm harry, and this is niall and zayn" I said smiling at her

(Apparently, they're all teenagers here, by the way.)

So for the next chapters, they're cruel to her, demanding she change her attitude, call them sir, etc, etc, more mean stuff. Then, I skip a few chapters, and they've "tricked" her and got her detention after her holidays. She cusses them all, they all get pissed and started hitting her and screaming that she will "stay until 6 whether she likes it or not". By the way, Zayn got all badass and was like: "You do not speak to us that way, you little bitch!" but imagine it in all caps.

They beat her but she runs away. (How?) There's a note on the front door saying: "Big mistake babe......can't wait another beating tomorrow" and signed by the boys.

"WTF how did they know where I lived and 'babe'??!!!! EWWW," says the girl who basically said they were too sexy to be nerds a couple of chapters ago. Here's an idea: tell someone. You can use the note as freaking evidence! (And she's not scared or anything, considering she was cussing them out before.) But no, if she did that she wouldn't be a dumbass and thus this amazing plotline would cease to exist. Who would want that awful thing to happen?

They change point of views every second. Every two to three lines is a different point of view and it's fucking with my brain. I can't even.

"Great, don't you think she would be good in bed guys, I mean she's just so hot" stated Liam.

Harrys POV.

"Liams right, she would be good in bed, but how we do get her there? Maybe if she ignores us anymore we will just have to kidnap her.

I suggested this idea to the lads and they agreed. The slut ain't gonna know what's coming for her."

Dear Lord. What the hell am I reading? This is so unrealistic. What teacher would assign a girl to be tutored by five hormonal boys? Hell, what teacher would give a student five tutors for the same subject in the first place? At my school, you get one. You may get five different teacher tutors, but not five hormonal boys and a girl who may or may not be a fangirl.

And the minute she disappears, they'll probably be the first suspects. Just saying.

The bad guys aka the "hot guys" aka 1D corner her when she's walking with her friends. "Go, or we'll hurt you aswell" Zayn hissed as Cade wondered what the hell was going through this girl's mind when she wrote this. Aren't as and well two different words?

Her friends mouth "sorry" and leave, but the MC nods and doesn't mind.

Here's a tip for her "friends": CALL. THE. DAMN. POLICE. TELL. THE. FUCKING. SCHOOL.


(They just got of school and the guys were standing by the gate.)

"We were going to kidnap you, you are going to stay with us"

"WHAT??!!" she shouted.

She could hardly stand straight haha."



Judging by the title, I can take a pretty good guess. Like, are you guys that in love with 1D that you want to pretend that you're the protagonist and therefore their sex slave? Umm, wow.

But just stop with this sex slave stuff. It's sickening. Plus, 1D is extremely famous, therefore they have paparazzi chasing after them and waiting for them to screw up. I think having a girl half-naked with bruises all over her seen dragged away by them would make the top news. Fuck, at least make them not famous if you want to be slightly more realistic.

This is disgusting. And I'm sure they would agree with me. How do you think they'd feel if they read a story about them raping and beating a teenage girl? And not just a story, but multiple ones with the same concept. Rape is not okay, even if it's by your dream guy.

But before I go, don't they have girlfriends and friends? What are they going to say as an excuse to the black and blue girl walking around their house in lingerie (I am not shitting you)? "Oh yeah, you're dreaming. There's totally not a teenage girl looking dead and lifeless in front of you right now." I don't think that's going to work.

Or are you going to say that their friends are supposedly as "evil" and "twisted as they are?

That's it. I am done.

-drops mic-

-walks off stage-

Dedicated to . . .

x drum roll x

Wonderlustxxx for the gif on the side. Thanks chicka.

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