Chapter 3~"sting"

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I wake up to having to puke. I rush to the washroom and vomit in the toilet.
"Honey!" My mom says as she walks in. She comes to hold my hair.
"What's on your arms!" I flush the toilet and look at them. What? How did I get these?
"Did you do this?" She asks worriedly.
"No, I- i didn't do this"
"What day is it?" I ask.
"Friday, May 2nd" she says.

      I was in the park. I was tortured.
"Please tell me how you got these" my mom looks at me and holds my hand. The image of the guy digging into my arm goes through my mind.
"I remember, but you won't believe me"  I drop down to the ground by the images in my mind as I start to remember what happened. I feel tears stream down my face.

I try to explain the story as best I could.
"I believe you" is all she said. She pulls me into a hug and I cry on her shoulder.
"We need to take you to the hospital" as she pulls away a and looks at me as she holds my shoulders.
"No!" I can't go to the hospital. They can't find out.
"We have to, honey I don't want anything else to happen to you"
"Then why did you marry dad!" I shouldn't have said that.
"What?" Her eyes get wider.
"Let's just go" she passes me a hair tie  and leads me out of the bathroom.

        I lay in the hospital bed and wonder what will happen next. My mom holds my hand and try's not to notice the cuts on my arm. The doctor walks in while looking a clipboard. He looks at me and smiles.
"We have to run an ultrasound on your stomach to see if you were given any substances, and you have lost a lot of blood so we are not able to do a blood test right now. Have you been puking? Or being unable to eat?"
"I woke up having to puke, but I'm able to eat. I'm starving" I let out a small laugh to break the tension.
"Well we will get you something after we run the tests, so if you could come with me" he unhooks the heart monitor and leads me to a different room.

          After about 20 minutes he comes back into the room with a confused look on his face.
"What is it?"
"You're seventeen right?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I am" I say sarcastically. He hands me a picture. I look at it then look at my stomach. No this can't be real.
"Are you sure that this is the right picture"
"Hundred percent" i try to cover up the tears.
"Your 2 weeks in" I can't be having a baby growing inside of me. I never even...

        He lies on top of me and pulls my face closer to his so our lips meet.  I try to push him off me, but nothing works.

"Can I just see my mom?" He nods and walks me back. My mom stands up out of her and I hug her as tight as I can. The picture falls out my hand and onto the floor. She looks behind her and picks it up.

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