Chapter 20~"Not a boy"

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             Sunday, 10:38am.
     I wake up to see Brent looking down at me. He stands beside the bed and keeps shaking me.
"Babe, I'm awake." He kisses me. We stayed in a hotel for the night, me, Brent, Arianna, Parker, Kaiden, and Annabelle in the same room then Ron, Justice and Rosely or next door. I look over to where Arianna is. Her face is buried in the pillow and Parker is lying right beside her.
"Why is it- oh shit." Arianna says while sitting up.
"Seriously, again?" Parker gets out of the bed. His hair is a mess and he's not wearing a shirt.
"Mad, get up so that Kaiden will get up." He's lying near the foot of the bed where I can't see him.
"Okay, I'm getting up." I sit up and start to feel nauseous. I go to the bathroom to get dressed and brush my teeth. After I finish getting changed, I'm leaning over the toilet puking.
"Madeline? Are you okay?" Brent asks knocking on the door, he walks in. He comes behind me and holds my hair.

After about ten minutes, everyones a bit worried but I honestly don't think I'm sick. I start to brush my teeth and Brent decides to pee right beside me.
"Hey, guys wanna get breakfast soon?" I hear Parker yell. Brent finishes and walks out. I drink some water and then put my stuff in my bag while walking out of the bathroom.
"Madeline after breakfast do you want to run to the store quick? I'm tuning out of some cosmetics I need." She says while getting Annabelle dressed.
"Yeah sure."

We sit in the restaurant and eat our food. It seems like kids love cereal since they all got cereal. I finish my meal and Arianna asks if I want to go now. I nod, we do the normal routine of: if there's any emergency call me, if you need anything text me. We walk to the store since it's only about a five minute walk. Once we walk in it smells like raspberries and nail polish. Arianna looks at all the makeup and can't decide what to get. I walk away with out her noticing and look at the pregnancy tests. What if I actually am pregnant? What will Brent think? What will Kaiden think? Arianna walks over to me and finds me looking for one to get.
"Get that one." She points to one at the bottom of the shelf. I stand up and she looks slightly concerned. We walk up to the cashier and pay.
"Aren't you a little young?" The lady asks me.
"I'm twenty one." I say annoyed. She gives us our things and we walk back to the hotel.
"Do you want to go soon?" Ron asks, he sits on my bed with Rosely.
"Yeah, just give me a few minutes." I go into the bathroom and take the test. I flush, and wash my hands. I look at the test.
"I'm pregnant." I feel happy, and kind of anxious. I walk out and hold up the test. Parker looks at me and smiles.
"Someone got knocked up." We laugh.
"Mommy, what's that?" Kaiden asks. He leans his head on me.
"Hey Brent get in here!" Parker yells. He's in Ron's rooms.
"What is-" his eyes widen, he walks over to me.
"I'm sorry we're starting our family so early." My eyes start to well up.
"Don't be sorry, this is...great." It sounds sarcastic but I know he's being serious. He hugs me. Everyone starts clapping and for some reason I'm extremely emotional.
"Okay the knocked up one can go first, then we'll all follow." Parker says getting up and grabbing his bags, and picking up Annabelle. We check out of the hotel and pile into the van. As we're driving we all somehow end up singing.
"Hey, found our next stop." Justice says pointing to a rock climbing place.
"Let's go." He turns into the parking lot.
"Wait, they're too young." Arianna says as we get the kids out of their car seats.
"That's okay, they can watch." Parker says loudly. We walk in and there's the front desk to register and pay, then there's some employees to instruct and help, and then the walls are covered in the coloured rocks. We stand and listen to the guy tell us how it works.
"Okay, so you will have to put on this harness, and just climb up. If you lose your grip just let go, you're safe." I decided to go first, he puts the harness on and hooks me up to the rope.
"Aren't you a little young to be getting married?" He asks me.
"I'm turning twenty two next month." He lets me go and I start to climb.
"Hey look the six year old is climbing!" Ron yells to me as I reach the middle of the wall.
"Oh shut up!" I yell to him. I lose grip and just push myself off.
"You're such a dick." I say getting closer to him.

We walk through the mall, there's tons of people, tons of stores, and a lot of people that keep asking us to but their hand and feet creams. Justice, Arianna, Annabelle, Kaiden, and I walk through a clothing store for kids and toddlers. Ron, Brent, Parker, and Rosely decided to just keep walking around and find something to eat.
"Look at how cute this is." Arianna says while carrying Annabelle. She picks up three different outfits. Kaiden goes running into the older kids clothing and points at a purple dress.
"Kaiden, what's that?" I ask walking over to him.
"Mommy, am I allowed to wear this?" He asks quietly.
"Y-yes." I stutter. I look at the price and get it for him.
"Is there anything else you want." He takes my hand and shakes his head. We all pay and start to walk to the food court.
"Daddy guess what!" Kaiden yells in hopes that Brent will hear him. He goes running towards him. We crowd around the table.
"What is it?" Brent asks happily.
"Mom bought me a dress." He sounds happy, and excited. Brent's facial expression drops. He looks at me with a confused look.
"That's what he wanted." I say, and walk away with Ron to get something to eat.

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