Chapter 14~"Stay"

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Thursday, 12:40pm.
   Brent upper cuts the guy in the face, I see blood, and hear groans. Brent comes up to me and untied my hands until he gets lifted up and thrown to the ground. He's not going to be okay. I rush to untie my ankles and try to help tie the man up. Brent pushes him onto a small chair.
"What the hell!" He says with anger in his voice. He tries to pull away from the ropes. We walk out of the room and try to figure out where to go next. There's two possible ways (right or left). We decide to go right. We keep running in different directions but keep hitting dead ends.
"It's a steel maze, we're trapped..." Devastation fills his voice.
"Let's back track." I say determined. I start running down the maze and through all the spots we were at. After about what feels like an hour we see the room we were in. We run down the hallway beside it. We see another room that has black paint on the door that reads: "gone"
"Lets go" Brent says quickly and runs into the room.
"Hey, come here!" He yells. I start to get nervous. I walk in and notice all the key boards, buttons, screens, lights, switches. It's just a control room.
"Why would there be a control room?" My thoughts start to race. Steel walls, small rooms- I look over at Brent and see him struggling to get into the computer. We both try to hack into one of the computers, after about four hours we finally got it. I walk over to him and stand behind. A document opens that looks to have important information.

Company- Introvernes  3BW96
Creator- Howard Murray.
Created 1987.
You kill or get killed.
Start with torture, make it a painful long death.

    That's all the document says.
"We have to go, now!" He looks to me and is filled with panic. I look around the room and see a large vent.
"There." It's in a tight space but we manage to get the cover off.
"Go!" He's so worried, we both are. Our lives are on the line.

     I crawl through the hot vent. I keep checking to see if Brent's behind and me. I see another vent opening. It's in the room that we were in.
"Keep going." He whispers to me and I try to hurry.

Friday, 4:56 am.
I wake up crying, my whole body is covered in sweat. Brent wakes up and looks at me.
"Are you okay?" He says with a soft sleepy voice, it's calming.
"The whole thing happened? Did it really happen?" I breathe heavily. I put my face in my hands and rock back and forth. Brent just hugs me.
"It did happen, but you will be okay, you are okay."
"Kaiden! Where's Kaiden?" He can see the panic in my eyes. I get up and walk to his bedroom trying to hold back the tears. I open the door quietly. He's there, asleep. A sense of relief fills me. I run back to the bedroom and hug Brent as tightly as I can.
"Don't ever leave me, please don't." I cry into his shoulder.
"I will not leave you." He kisses me. He lye down, not letting go of each other.

Sunday, 12:16pm.
I cut up some avocado and mango for Kaiden. I put him in his booster seat and give him the vegetable and fruit. He looks happy while he eats it.
"This dining room is so small, I hate it." I say to myself. Brent's gone to buy groceries and possibly look at a house.
"Kaiden, we've been here to long." It's been almost five years that we have lived here.
"Mommy...why aren't you happy?" He asks softly and shoves a piece of avocado in his mouth. It hits me, I will have to tell him what happened when he's older.
"Yesterday was jut a bad day and so was last night." I kiss the top of his head and sit back down. I hear my phone ring and see that it's Brent calling.
"What's up?" I ask.
"I was looking at a couple of houses, I'm not really sure if you would like the last house but I know you would like the other two. Do you want me to come pick you guys up and we can look at them?"
"Well Kaiden's just eating his lunch and I'm not even dressed...maybe in an hour?" He says okay and hangs up.
"Kaiden, guess what!" I say trying to look happy.
"What?" He says in his high pitched voice.
"We may have a new house to live in." His smile grows.
"I'm gonna go get dressed, keep eating." I smile at him before I leave the room. I walk up stairs and into my bedroom. I look for jeans and a plain shirt. I after i put that on I go into bathroom to brush my teeth, then put my hair in a messy bun.

    Kaiden holds my hand as we get shown around the house. There's three floors, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. We walk upstairs. There's a chandelier in the hallway, a living closet and the entrances to the bedrooms. We go into the smallest bedroom which isn't that small.
"It's like the size of my room now." He says quietly. I just smile. We look at all the rooms and go to the main floor.
"Brent, what if we actually moved in here?" I'm seriously considering it. He doesn't answer me and let's the house owner talk. The house is completely empty and most of our furniture would be able to fit. The living room, kitchen, and dining area are connected which is nice so it seems more open. We go down to the basement and it would be nice to have a tv and sofa down here.

    The owner talks about prices and some things he will be renovating. He walks out of the room to let us talk about if we want it or not.
"I think we should take it." I say quickly. He explains some of the things he would like changed but we could fix them ourselves.
"We can afford it.." He looks around.
"Daddy...I think we should get it." Kaiden says tugging on his pants.
"We're taking it." We all smile. There is a backward and a deck so we can get some things for Kaiden and me and Brent can sit on the deck. It definitely it is enough room for the three of us.

               The owner walks in.
"So, what's the plan?" He smiles and it's easy to tell he wants us to buy it.
"We'll take it." Brent says and we discuss when we can get the keys and start moving in.
"How about Wednesday?" I nod my head. He leads us out of the house and I get Kaiden into his car seat. Once we're all in the car, I notice that Brent looks a bit stressed.
"What's wrong?" I ask putting my hand on his.
"Since I'm going to be at school durning the week i won't have a a lot of time to help move things.
"No that's okay, we can slowly move...ill call Ron and justice and see if they don't mind helping."
"Why don't we move in January?" He starts to drive away.
"Yeah it would be easier."
"Oh, Christmas my parents want us to go there for the night." It starts to lightly rain.
"We should go, I think it would be good." We continue talking about what kinds of treats we should bake, what to get for his parents, what to get for Ron, justice, and their kid. We decide to go to the mall and look for gifts.
"So we aren't that late at buying gifts.." He laughs. I see people looking at me and Kaiden holding hands. I still look like I'm seventeen, I'm almost twenty one. We look around in different stores finding small things.

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