Chapter 17

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7 months. That's all I have. Such little time but I have to let him go. Just praying he won't forget me. 1 month after we graduate. "Nikki?" I hear someone yell. "Yeah mom?" I yell back. I get up from my bed not noticing the tears sliding down my face. I walk downstairs towards the kitchen and sit up on the counter. "Can yo-honey what's wrong? Why are you crying?" She says worried wiping my face. "uhm it's nothing." I say looking away. "So uhm what'd you need?" I ask her. She stares at me and says " Tell me the truth now. What's wrong?" "I'm just upset. Myles is leaving in 7 months. Seven! He'll be gone for two almost three months. What if he finds a girl. What if he forgets about me!? This is killing me. But I can't hold him back! This has always been his dreams and he's made it." I say, more tears falling. My mom just hugs me and doesn't say a word. Suddenly the doorbell rings which makes my mom jump. I laugh and wipe the tears off and head to the door. I open it to see my Aunt Laura and Uncle Joseph. "Hi!" They both screamed. "Hi, come in! Mom! It's Aunt Lara and Uncle Joseph!" I hugged them and walked them over to my mom in the kitchen.

I went upstairs grabbed my phone and laid on my bed. My mom and my family are all downstairs just hanging out. I'm spending the day with Myles tomorrow and I think Kalin is tagging along. I was on my phone until I got a text from Myles saying to go outside outside.

I run outside to see Myles holding a really big teddy bear and a Walgreen's bag. I ran over to him and he said "I got bored at home so I went to the store and saw this and got it for you also some of your favorite candy." "Oh my gosh. Thank you." I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow." he smiled. "Wait, you just came here to give me this?" he smiles and nods handing me the bag and the bear. "Oh my gosh Myles. I'm so thankful to have you in my life" I say giving him a big hug. He giggles and hugs back. "See you tomorrow best friend." He says walking away. "Bye Mr.Poof"

Next day


I woke up and took a shower. I did my morning routine and got ready. Nikki, Kalin and I are hanging out today for last minute Christmas shopping. I need to get Nikki a last minute present. I ordered her a necklace last week while at home because why not. It's a heart necklace with an infinity sign around it. I thought of it as I will love her forever because she's my best friend and my feelings are growing for her so hopefully we'll be more than friends.

We get to the mall and it's dead. Not a lot of people are here. Which is really helpful, Kalin went straight to the store Shoe Palace. We followed him in and saw him staring at a pair of Bred 11's that he already has. "K you already have those." I state. "That doesn't mean I don't need another pair. Or at least look at them" He shot back with a glare. I rose my hands up in defense and he just chuckled. Nikki was on her phone typing away looking bored. I mean I don't blame her, she didn't come to stare at shoes like Kalin. "Okay lets go. I'm hungry. Let's go get something to eat real quick." Kalin says walking up to us. "I want a pretzel. What about you guys?" Nikki asks. Me and Kalin nod our heads and walk towards Wetzel Pretzel.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Be right back." I tell them. I'm not going to the bathroom though. I walk towards the jewelery place I order Nikki's necklace and walk in. "Hi, I ordered a necklace online under Myles Parrish. It said it was shipped here." The clerk nods and walks to the back. She walks back with a long little black box and hands it to me. I thank her and put it in my pocket. I then walk back to Kalin and Nikki.

We got all of our stuff and left. I dropped them off and went straight home. I got home, put the necklace with the other presents I have for everybody and got ready for bed. I laid down and slowly started to fall asleep.

Update bc i haven't updated in forever. dance tryouts this week so wish me luck! vote&comment! thanks for reading! okay byeee

xoxo e💓

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