Chapter 33

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Last day in LA

So Myles was not pleased with Jaxon but Kalin was happy to see his old friend. Tia has been on my last nerve the past few days to the point where I want to stab her a thousand times in the face. But I wont. Myles has been spending more time with me which is the cause of Tia's complaining ass. But I'm just happy Myles is hanging out with me more often. Kalin stole Jaxon from me so I pretty much third wheel with them when I went to hang out with Jaxon. Tyler and Cam on the other hand have been talking about all their techie stuff and editing. "Y'all packed up and ready to head out?" Myles asks while walking into our room since I propped it open a little. Kalin and I nodded and grabbed our stuff. We all head down to the lobby and Myles, Jake, Kalin and Tyler went to go check out. "I am riding with you. And you're sitting in the back with me." Dom says sitting next to me. "But I like sitting up front. Make Kalin sit in the back." I whine. "In his own damn car? You shady for that. Plus he's too tall for that." She laughs. "Ugh I guess." I sigh, immediately laughing after.


"So what did you and Myles do last night? Heard you two snuck out and decided not to invite anyone." Dom says raising her eyebrows, smirking. "I was texting him last night and he wanted a burger. So we ordered an uber to the closest Sonic we could find. He was like super happy and it felt like it was just us two in the world." I explain remembering him getting excited about his burger.

"awh Nikki!" Dom says smiling

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"awh Nikki!" Dom says smiling. "He said that he missed hanging out with me so he's been hanging out with me a lot during this trip. Especially since tour is going to start in a couple days so he won't have as much time." "Yeah but what about spending time with Tia?" Dom giggles. "She gets to sleep next to him. Plus she's always around. Trust me. Except when she's asleep, reason why I hang out with Myles mostly at night." I smile. Dom just laughs and shakes her head. "Y'all are too much." She adds. "Then we walked from that Sonic to the hotel and it was so tiring. Took us an hour to walk back!" "Damn! Why so long?" Jake questions. "We started walking the wrong way." I said like it's a normal thing. "You guys really would." Kalin pitches in laughing. "But then, we saw an arcade and it was surprisingly still open, so we went in there and spent like two hours in there." I explain.

 "He was happy and I was getting tired but he kept wanting to play so I let him play some games

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"He was happy and I was getting tired but he kept wanting to play so I let him play some games. Then I told him that I was tired and so we left." I add on. "Why couldn't Myles just wait for you? You guys would have been such a cute couple." Dom whines. "Well, when we were walking he brought up his feelings towards me again. He said that he really misses me. And I started to hold his hand because well, he started walking super slow." "Sounds like my brother." Jake laughs. "But here's the thing." I say sighing. "We accidentally kissed." "HOW DO YOU ACCIDENTALLY KISS!?" Dom yells making Jake cover his year and Kalin to flinch. "We got caught in the moment. I was surprised because Myles came onto me! We were in the elevator and he just leaned in and kissed me." "Nikki! If Tia finds out she's gonn-" "She's gonna what? Beat my ass?I wish she would. Plus, I didn't kiss Myles! He kissed me!" I groaned putting my head in my hands. "Nikki, you gotta talk to Myles about it. This ain't good." Kalin said. "I'll talk to him when we get home. This is why I love him. My feelings get stronger every time I'm with him. This needs to stop." "Wait, Nikki you love him?" Dom asks with concern in her voice. I just nod with tears streaming down her face. "Babe, you gotta talk to your brother." Dom tells Jake. Jake just nods and continues on his phone.


I decided to text Tyler and see if Myles was talking about anything with Nikki.

Jake😜: Aye Ty, Myles talk bout Nikki at all?

Tyler😎: That's all he's talkin bout. How they kept hanging out & shit. Tia's hella pissed. 😂

"Aye, Myles is talkin bout you. Tyler said Tia is hella pissed off." I laugh. "What else did you guys do the other days ?" Dom questioned. "We just walked and talked. But every day he brought up his feelings towards me. Kind of weird. But he opened up to me. He makes it hard for me to get over him." "You gotta be careful. You might ruin their relationship." I tell her. "I don't intend to! What should I do?" She cries out. I hate when she cries to be honest. When she starts she can't stop and thinks of other things that make her cry and seem like she's the guilty person in the situation. "You'll get through this I promise." Dom explains.


"Okay Myles, we get that you hung out with her. Change the subject." Tia says annoyed. Tyler just laughs but I don't get why. "Myles you hung out with Nikki more than you hung out with Tia. What's up with that?" I asked looking at Myles. "Ugh thank you." Tia says rolling her eyes at him. Tyler then hits my arm with wide eyes. "I just felt like I needed to spend time with my bestfriend." He explains. "Are y'all sleeping over at K's or nah?" He adds in. "Drop me off at my house." Tia says looking out the window. "Sleeping over." Tyler and I say at the same time.


"Myles you messed up, bad." Kalin says shaking his head. "Why'd you kiss Nikki!" Jake yells annoyed. I was so confused with this whole situation so I just laid back and listened. "I don't know. It felt right at the moment." "Well you keep leading her on! That's why she has a hard time getting over you. The fact that she loves you and you don't love her back hurts her!" Kalin yelled. Nikki was currently at her moms to calm down but she'll be back before morning. "Myles either date Tia and get passed those "feelings" you have for Nikki or break up with Tia and get with Nikki. I'm tired seeing her cry." Dom says as calm as she could. "How can I just break up with Tia!?" Myles yelled. "What if I just want to be friends with Nikki!?" He adds on. "THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE KISSED HER. YOU SHOULD KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES MYLES. YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND YET YOU DECIDE TO KISS YOUR BESTFRIEND." Dom yells. she. was. pissed. "Babe calm down." Jake says hugging her. "Myles, you need to choose. Nikki is coming on tour, so you need to fix your act." Suddenly there was foot steps coming down the stairs. It was mama Starlah. "Why is there so much yelling? Lala is asleep and I don't want you guys to wake her!" She whisper yelled. "Sorry mama, having some difficulties with someone." Dom says eyeing Myles. "Well keep it down. I'm going to bed" She says walking back upstairs. "I'm going to check up on Nikki. Don't wait up." Dom says walking out the door.

fr y'all message me ideas.

this chapter sucked. I know. Sorry. I'm workin on it.

xoxo e💓

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