Chapter 22

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Comp day


I woke up at 6:00 and got ready for the day in the outfit theteam decided on. Red low hanging joggers, white flowy crop tank and white high top converse. I straightened my hair and grabbed my duffle bag filled with my other outfits and makeup. I grabbed my phone, went downstairs and grabbed my keys and going out to my car. I put the key in the ignition and start driving. I stopped by starbucks to get all the girls starbucks counting Coach. Total came out to $107.89 for 20 drinks. I pull up to the window and the women looked at me crazy. "It's for my team." I chuckle. She smiles and nods while I hand her the exact amount and she gives me my receipt. I go up to the next window and they made me park in the front for a few of them to bring all the drinks out. "Thank you!" I say backing out of the parking space.

I get to school and call 4 girls out to help with the drinks. I grabbed all of my things and also grab a tray. I walked into the dance room and hear all the girls scream "THANK YOU NIK'S!" I smile and walk over to the desk amd place down the drinks I had being mine, Coach's, Shay's and Brooke's. I walk over to the mirrors and place my bag down. "Run through the dances." Coach says to the girls. The first dance up this Comp. is my solo which means I have to go first. It makes me upset thinking that no one but Ariana will be there to support me but I understand. We ran through all of our dances and worked on all the tricks so we know that everyone has it down.

We're all getting ready and the gym is starting to pile in. Once we were all ready we did a little prayer and sort of a pep talk. We walked out to the gym and sat in the front row since it wasn't our turn to perform. We heard a lot of cheering while the team was performing but I was looking around. I then spotted Ariana and waved. She waved back making me smile. My team then crouched down to walk across making sure not to get in anyones way. We got to the back and got ready to perform. "We got this girls. Perform full out! Whatever happens I love you all so much! You'll kill it out there. I'll be the loudest cheerung out there." Coach says smiling and jumping up and down. "Give it up for Dublin High School's Dance Team!" We hear the announcer say. "GET IT GIRLS!" I hear Coach scream. The music started and we did our intro. Right before the beat dropped I heard someone I didn't know that came scream. "LET'S GO NIKKI!" I smiled and looked up. I saw Myles,Jake and Kalin sitting with Ari. After we performed many other schools performed.

It was time for the judges to tell who is going to Nationals and I was scared out of my mind. "First Place going into Nationals for Large Hip Hop goes to..." Our large hip hop was our best and I literally can't stay still right now. "DUBLIN HIGH SCHOOL'S DANCE TEAM!" All of us girls started jumping around screaming and I turned to look at my friends. They were standing and clapping making me super happy.

Once Comp was over I said bye to te girls and ran to the boys and Ari. "YASSSSSSSSS" Ari screamed hugging me. "Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you guys!" She says jumping around making me laugh. I felt arms snake around my waist and I turn to see Myles. "AGH! I SAW YOU GUYS IN THE AUDIENCE! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!? I'M SO HAPPY YOU GUYS MADE IT. BUT WHY AREN'T YOU IN LA!?" I screamed. I'm pretty sure everyone was looking at us by now but I honestly don't care. "Our manager just came down here instead! So we decided to come because I couldn't miss it for my babygirl." Myles explains making me blush by the nickname he gave me. "Nikki!!!!!" I hear Coach scream behind me. I turned around and hugged her. "You guys did amazing out there I'm so proud to be your guy's coach." She says tearing up. She's so emotional. "Thank you for being the beat coach in the world. love you Coach." I say hugging her making her cry. I giggle and she does too. "I'll see you at school Monday! Love you too!" She says walking away looking for other team members.

The boys, Ari and I went out to go get some food but all they wanted was In-N-Out. Although it did sound good I can't eat a burger but I guess I can eat one for a celebration.

Once we got there we all ordered and sat down. When we got our food Kalin looked super happy and kept taking snapchat videos of everyone's food. And he even stole one of my fries making me hit him on his shoulder. "Ow it's just a fry." He says glaring at me. "Yeah. And you have your own." I say rolling ny eyes playfully. He laughs and eats another one of my fries. "Kalin I swear. This is my cheat day. LEMME EAT." I say yelling the end part. Everyone's eyes went wide making me laugh. "Just kidding I honestly don't care anymore." I say laughing even more. Everyone laughed and started eating.

We all went back to the Parrish residence because we're all just going to sleep there. I go straight to Myles' room yelling a "GOODNIGHT!" getting clothes and hoping into the shower. When I turned off the water I hear something still going. "What the- MYLES!" I say looking out of the curtain. He was peeing and he didn't even warn me like he usually does. "Sorry I had to pee like really bad." He said in a duh tone. "Hurry up bcause we're going to all watch movies downstairs." He says washing his hands. "Mmmkay" I say wrapping my towel around my body and stepping out of the shower. I get ready and put my dirty clothes in Myles's dirty clothes bin. I grab my phone and head downstairs. When I got down there I saw everyone in blankets with pillows laying down. I head over to a couch and lay down because I can't sleep on the floor with Ariana because she kicks. And it hurts. A lot. "What's playing?" I ask looking at Myles. "21 Jump Street." He says looking at the tv. I nod my head and turn back to the tv. As the movie started my eyes started closing which meant I was falling asleep. Today was a good day. Can't wait for tomorrow.

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