Chapter 25

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Next day


I got out of bed since I had school today. Got dressed in my clothes I picked out and decided to straighten my hair. I got ready within 30 minutes giving me an hour left till I leave. I went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast and start getting stuff out until I notice that I'm not in the mood to eat. I was feeling a little down ever since last night which I should just get over but these feelings won't go away.

"Good morning hun." I hear my mom say walking into the kitchen. "Morning mom." I sigh while pulling out a stool and sitting down. "What's wrong you seem down?" She asks while making coffee. "Oh nothing. I'm just tired." I weakly smiled. "Stop lying to me. I know you're not okay. Your eyes are puffy meaning you've been crying. Now tell me what's wrong." She says sitting down next to me. I sigh and look at the time. Only five minutes passed meaning I have to explain to her. "Well I guess you can say I'm falling for my bestfriend. My feelings for him are getting stronger, I thought they'd go away. But yesterday we were hanging out and then he got a call. Then a few minutes later he got a text then left. And then last night was on twitter and I came across a picture of Myles with a girl and he looked super close to her. And it honestly hurt to see him with someone. I just don't understand. I've never been so upset over something like this and it's killing me. Mom I can't stand this." My voice cracks causing me to start balling my eyes out. "Oh my poor baby. You'll be okay. He'll come around soon. If not just know that someone will always be waiting for you in the future." My mom explains while hugging me. "Now wipe your pretty eyes and eat some breakfast. We'll talk more when I get home. I love you." "I love you too mom" I say hugging her.

I got in my car and put my key in the ignition and started my car. I head to school feeling a little better than before. When I get there I see Kalin and Myles out in the front looking like they're waiting for someone. I put on a fake smile and start walking over to them. "Hey guys." I say stopping in front of them. They just kept looking around looking for whoever. "Hey Nikki." I hear Kalin say looking down at me and them back up. "There they are." Kalin says nodding his head to the right. I look over to see two girls aka the girls that were in the photo. They walked away from me and went straight over there. Ouch. I then walked into the school and go straight to the dance room not wanting to talk to anyone anymore. I walk in to see the whole team doing their makeup. "Uhm Nikki you forgot to go to practice this morning!" Brooke my co captain says. " oh shit. sorry." I say. I honestly forgot. I walk over to coach and sit on a chair next to her. "Why weren't you at practice this morning. I understand it's the last full week but you're still apart of this team." She says a little mad. "I'm sorry. I forgot. I'm having one of those days." I say looking straight into her eyes to let her know. She looks at me worried and said " We'll talk when first period girls run." I nod and sigh.

"K tell me what's wrong." She says after the girls start running. "Boys." I sigh. "Tell me!" She whisper yells causing me to laugh. "It's Myles." I say showing her the picture from last night. "Feelings are getting stronger even though I want them to go away. He left me to hang out with her and he didn't even talk to me this morning. He was worried to look for this girl. I was crying over him." I say looking down. "Oh. Nikki I'm sorry." She says pulling me into a  tight hug. "Don't waste your tears on someone who can't see true beauty. There's so many boys that are better for you. This is what, the second time he's chosen hoes over you?" "Coach, not every girl is a hoe." I laugh at her profanity, "Well actually I don't know these girls so we'll see. But they dress like they're going to a club so..." I add on. Coach starts to laugh and focus back on the girls telling the time they got on their mile. Oh how I hope this day will get better.

"Bye coach! Love you! See you after school!" I yell walking out the room. I walk out to see no Myles. No surprise in that. I get to second period to see Myles there already busy on his phone. I roll my eyes and sit down.

During class Myles kept looking at me and throwing stuff at me but I kept ignoring him. Then he passed me a note saying

What's wrong with you? Why are you ignoring me?

I ignored it and started doing my work. My phone kept vibrating and of course it was Myles. I mean I guess I shouldn't ignore him since he doesn't like me like I like him. I'm his bestfriend so I shouldn't have these feelings. I checked the messages and all of them said:

Myles🙄💓: Did I do something wrong?
Myles🙄💓: C'mon Nikki stop ignoring me.
Myles🙄💓: Yo Nikki what the frick. TALK TO ME.
Myles🙄💓: Was it because I found a girl?
Myles🙄💓: I know you saw a pic of me and her on Twitter bc it was getting tons of rt's.
Myles🙄💓: Are you mad I left you for another girl?
Myles🙄💓: whatever. don't talk to me then.

lol. he got mad. But I guess he remembered that I have feelings for him. But I mean am I really going to ignore him over him finding a girl. I really shouldn't. He's happy and I don't want to ruin that. I decided to text him back and said

Nikki: I'm just not in the mood. Sorry :/

He immediately replied with a sad face which I didn't know what to respond to. We went to lunch and I just hung out by Ariana. However, Kalin and Myles were looking for those girls. "I'm going to the dance room for the rest of the day. I'm not feeling that good." I tell Ariana. She pouts but nods. "Text me!" She says hugging me. "I will." I say walking away.

I was done with practice and headed home. I just wanted to shower and go to sleep. But I forgot my mom wanted to talk. When I got home I saw her sitting on the couch watching tv. "Hi mom." I say hugging her. "Hi baby. We need to talk still." She explains. "Okay. We will after I shower." She nods and I head upstairs and take a quick shower.

I go back down to see my mom in the same spot on her phone. "Okay I'm back" I say sitting down next to her. "So how did it go with Myles and all? Does he know? Did he talk to you about her? Do you know her name?" She says loudly getting anxious. "Woah mom calm down. But he was being a little obsessed over her. But that's how he is with his 'girlfriends'. He barely talked to me. But that was because I didn't want to talk to him. He didn't talk about her too much and I think her name is Tia? I don't know." I shrug. My mom softly giggled which caused me to raise a brow. "I'm sorry. I just thought Myles would be more obsessed unlike what you said." She says. "Mom. He didn't acknowledge my presence this morning." I sigh. "I'm sorry hun." She says hugging me. "I mean it's whatever. What am I supposed to expect? Myles loving me like I love him? aha. Yeah right. I'm his bestfriend. And if he's happy than I'm happy." I say smiling weakly. "Oh Nikki. You're so strong. But I know you're hurt by this. You don't have to hide it. But I'm proud of you. Being a wise woman. I can't believe you're graduating next year." She starts tearing up which caused my eyes to go wide. "Mom don't cry! I'm not going anywhere! It's okay!" I say. She giggles and wipes her eyes. "Okay honey. I'm going to bed now. Got to get up early. I love you. " She says hugging me. We both head upstairs and go our separate ways to our rooms. I get ready for bed and lay down. Today was a long day.

I am happy that Myles is happy. That's all I care about. Anyways thanks for reading and give it a vote. Okay bye! love y'all

stay hyphy🤘🏼
xoxo e💓

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