Chapter 18

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Christmas Eve
December 24


All of my family are here and we're currently getting ready. We're heading over to the Parrish residence soon for a Christmas party. My family loves them and they love my family. I got out of bed and decided I want to look like I tried today. I decided to curl my hair and get my outfit ready , I then get text from Myles saying

Myles🤘🏼: Merry Christmas Eve bestfriend! see you soon!

I then respond with

Nikki: Merry Christmas Eve! Okay see you soon! Is all your family there? We're getting ready right we'll be there in like an hour or two.

Myles🤘🏼: Almost.

I didn't respond to that and just went straight to the bathroom to curl my hair. After I curled my hair I got changed into my outfit. A big gray knitted sweater, denim jeans, brown high kneed boots, my cross necklace and a maroon scarf. I think my outfit is cute so I'm just goin to go with it.

Everyone was still getting ready and I was the only one done. Except the little babies but everyone else is still getting ready. I'm getting really bored just waiting for them so I decided to text Myles.

Nikki: Family is taking forever to get ready.
Myles🤘🏼: Or maybe you got ready too fast. 😂
Nikki: Actually I did so I can see Kalin🔥
Myles🤘🏼: ...You like him or somethin? And Dom said to hurry up she wants to see you.
Nikki: No I'm messin with you. and tell Dom that I am trying but my family takes forever to get ready🙄
Myles🤘🏼: Why don't you take who ever is ready over?
Nikki: It's all my little neices, nephews and cousins and I can't handle 3 babies in one car right now with out an adult😂
Myles🤘🏼: Okay well I'll see you here. have to help momma put the food on the serving table. 😘
Nikki: okay😩 i'm leaving soon wether they are ready or not. they have cars. 😂

I got up and went to my room to see my cousin Katie on her phone ready. "What are you doing!? Are you ready!?" I yelled at her. She jumped and screamed "O M G. Yes I'm ready! You don't have to scare me gosh!" I laughed "Well let's go" I said walking out the room going downstairs. I grab my keys off the counter and walk out the door. I went to my car and warmed it up. Katie got in and plugged her phone in. She played the Biebs since she's inlove with him. On the way to Myles' we just talked about when we graduate. Also Katie is the same age and grade as her just lives in LA.

We got to Myles' and rang the door bell. Mama Debbie opened the door. She smiled and hugged me then Katie. She let us inside and we started saying hi to everyone. They kept asking where the rest of the family was and when they'll be here. I then went up to Jake's room because I want to see Dom. I knock on his door and I hear giggling. Jake opens the door and smiles. "Why'd you knock?" Dom says laughing. "I don't know. What if y'all were makin out. Don't want to see that." I laughed. I jumped on Jake's bed and hugged Dom. "Hi!" Dom smiled. "My family took forever so it's just me and Katie" I explain. They nod and smile. "I'm goin to go say hi to Myles." I say getting up fixing my sweater from it rising. "Okay. Cute outfit by the way." Dom says. I thank her and walk out closing the door behind me. I walk over to Myles's room to see him on his phone leaning on his side and Kalin playing 2K like always.

"Hi guys" I say sitting next to Myles. He smiles and side hugs me then laying his head on my lap. "Tyler is coming today." Myles says looking at his phone. "Really!? I haven't seen him in so long! Yay!" I laugh. I start playing with Myles' poof and luckily he didn't get mad and move my hand. "You're hair is getting long Mr.Poof" I tell him while pulling his hair gently. "Oww" he says getting up quickly. I guess I wasn't pulling it gently. whoops.

"Let's go eat" Kalin says walking back into the room. He went to check on the food because he's hungry like always. My whole family was here by now and eveyone was talking. There was a fire pit outside and it was not being used. I went to the kitchen, went through the cabinet and grabbed crackers, chocolate and marshmellows. I then grabbed Myles' hand and bring him out with me so I'm not lonely. We brought a bench near the fire so we could sit next to it. It was chilly out but I just ignored it. Myles went inside really guick and came back with two sticks. "Thank you." I smile. I sit down and place everything next to me. I grab a marshmellow and put it on my stick and handing Myles a marshmellow too. We were holding our marshmellows in the fire and mine was finally melting. i grab a cracker and put the chocolate one and put the marshmellow. I then top it with another cracker. I start eating my smore and watch Myles' marshmellow. "Myles! Your marshmellow is gna be burnt all the way." I laugh. He gets up and starts blowing on his marshmellow. When the fire is all gone all you see is a black marshmellow. I started laughing really hard while he just stares at it. I guess I was laughing really loud too, to the point where everyone was just staring at us. Whoops. "Sorry. For some reason I found Myles burning his whole marshmellow funny."

We all settled down and I'm sleeping over because I am too tired to drive back home. I had a pair of leggings left here so i put thos those one and one of Myle's shirts. I put my hair in a messy bun and went to bed. Everyone was leaving which was pretty much all my family but I'll see them tomorrow. "Goodnight poof boy." I say hugging him from the side. He was sitting up on his phone. "Good night best friend." He says looking at me. I lay back down and slowly doze off.

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