Chapter 6

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Andy's POV

I walked off the bus to go to the park. I knew what I wanted, but I knew I couldn't. I also knew I was falling in love with Jessica, but I'm with Juliet. I can't break her heart for some little crush, if that's what this is. I should give her time to calm down though and find out what the best plan of action is. About 20 minutes went by when I saw a familiar face walking toward me. Jinxx.

"Why did you take off?" he simply asked. I know he knew the answer to the question. He knows something I don't though. The question is...what is it?

"I needed time to think of how I could get Jessie to stop cutting. She's too cool to lose, man." I said, my head in the clouds still.

"You wanna talk about anything?" he hinted. Now I know he knew something I didn't.

"It's about her, Jeremy," I said, using his real name so he knew I was serious. "I can't stop thinking about her. I honestly think I'm falling for her. She's beautiful, smart, funny...and she has the biggest heart for such a troubled girl. But I can't say I love her, cause I don't know her that well. I think it's just a crush right now.

Jinxx smiled. "Thought so. You should see the way you look at her. I've never seen you look at Juliet that way. Jessie, you can tell it's a 'love at first sight' thing. Jewls, not so much. You put too much into the relationship with her and you get so little in return. Its as if she expects you to do what she wants and enjoy it. No offense. But I can't tell you what to do. Only your heart can."

"But I don't know how to get close to her without it seeming obvious, not to mention without having Juliet think I'm cheating on her." I said.

Once again, he laughed. "Why don't we all go out for dinner tonight, excluding Juliet. That will give you the chance to get to know her, and all we have to do is say she's Ashley's girl of the night if Juliet asks." I simply nodded. "Come on. Let's get back. I left Jess alone to throw out the rest of her blades, which I am checking to make sure she did what I told her to do with them. If not, you're going to need to convince her it's worth putting the blade down...forever."

We walked to the bus in near silence, aside from the cars passing and the fans running to us asking for autographs. We cheerfully signed them and talked with our fans for a few before politely excusing ourselves. We were now on a deadline to save Jessie, and for dinner. I couldn't wait. I needed to know her better, because Jinxx was right. I wasn't in love with Juliet, but I had no idea how I really felt about Jessie. I needed to find out before I regretted it.

We finally arrived at the bus, and on the coffee table were about 15 blades, all stained with blood. I started to cry. Then, I felt such a warm and caring embrace, I turned around and hugged back without realizing who it was. All I knew was it was the most loving embrace I had ever felt and I never wanted to let go. Alas, I opened my eyes to reveal Jessica, her face streaked in tears.

"I'm sorry, Andy. I really am. But I feel like you deserve an explanation as to why I am the way I am." she sobbed.

"Not here. Let's go to get something to eat. We can talk in private then. I know a really good Italian restaurant about 10 minutes away." I said, hoping to comfort her a little. She just nodded mechanically.

"Hey, we're going out for a little. I'll message you guys to let you know when we get back." I said, each one of them giving a nonchalant nod. I smiled at the fact of spending time alone with her and getting to know her better. Then I realized why I was bringing her away from everyone. It was so she didn't have to talk in front of everyone and be ashamed of who she is or why she does what she does.

We decided to take her car so people didn't start rumors when they saw a girl in my car. hers was less noticeable. "Just to let you know, you don't have to tell me what you don't want me to know." I half-whispered.

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