Chapter 2

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We pulled up to the venue and stared in awe. It was so different compared to the previous years. This year, it was more packed than usual, and more highly decorated. Each band had quite a spectacular get-up. Of course, my favorite was Black Veil Brides. They had massive figurines of the artwork featured on the "Wretched and Divine" album cover. It was the definition of beauty.

We went around getting some of the other band's autographs, like Asking Alexandria, Of Mice and Men, and Falling In Reverse. The last place we stopped was to see Black Veil Brides, due to how long the lines were earlier in the day. If we would've waited in the lines, we would have never been able to meet the other bands.

Finally, it was our turn to meet them. We were the last in line for the meet and greet, meaning we got to spend the most time with them. We could stay with them until the event was over if they were alright with it.

"And who should I make this out to?" Andy asked, sweetly. Then he looked up. "Wait, I remember you from last year when we were here. You're the girl with the tiger tattoo on her back, right?"

I smiled knowing that he remembered me. "Yes, that's me. I got more of it worked on too."

"Well, let's see it!" Ashley screamed, overjoyed. I couldn't show them here. I would have to take my shirt off to show them the whole thing. I wasn't that comfortable with my body to do that, yet.

''I can't right here. I would have to take my shirt off." I said sullenly.

"So, who's this gentleman standing next to you?" CC asked.

"This is my fiancé, Michael." I stated. They looked slightly saddened, although I could've been imagining it. Then, there was screaming, and everyone started running toward the main gate. I turned around to see a guy walking up to us with a gun, prepped and aimed toward Andy. And then, there was a loud bang as the gun fired. I looked toward the band to see none of them harmed in the slightest bit. I looked to my side to see Alecia and Gabriel cowering under the table. I looked around for Michael, but couldn't find him.

Then, I looked to the ground. There he was, surrounded by a pool of blood. He was still alive. "Michael!" I screamed, running to him. Kneeling down in the blood, I brushed his hair to the side of his face.

"Jessica," he choked.

"Shhh, I'm here. You're going to make it through this Michael." I cried. I failed to hide my tears, knowing he probably wouldn't make it through this. The wound was to his chest. It couldn't have pierced his heart, or he would have died right away. It was his lungs.

"Jessica, you. Please, don't...worry. I'll always be with you." he choked between his words. I knew he was about to die.

"I love you too, Michael. More than you could ever imagine." I bawled. I curled him as close to me as I could, not wanting to let him go. I brought my face to his for what I knew would be the final kiss I would ever be able to give him. He kissed me back as passionately as he could. More passionate than he ever did.

"Gabriel," he called, struggling to speak and breathe. Gabriel came over to him. "The box." Gabriel reached into his pocket to pull out a small box, handing it to Michael. "This was my surprise. Please, open it." I took it from his trembling hand. Inside was the most beautiful locket I had ever seen. It was made of blue Sapphire surrounded by black onyx, my two favorite stones, with a gold filagree surrounding the heart. I opened it up, revealing a picture of him on one side, and me on the other. I remembered the day we took those pictures.

But now wasn't the time to recall any of it. I kissed him again, overwhelmed with the situation. I knew what I would do tonight. "It's so beautiful." I said as I tightened my grip on the necklace. And with that, he smiled as if nothing was wrong. Then, his eyes closed for the last time. He died in my arms. I was in shock, I suppose. I had stopped crying, and all I wanted to do is find out who the guy was who did this to Michael. He atleast deserved justice.

Security had the guy in handcuffs waiting for the police, who had just arrived. They immediately came over to Michael's body and began questioning everybody on what happened. Finally, they came to me.

"You're his fiancée, from what I understand. Is that correct?" the officer said.

"Yes. Jessica Carlisle. Date of birth is May 5, 1995." I said, knowing that's what they would ask me next.

"Can you tell me exactly what you remember happening?"

"Well, we were the last in line for the meet and greet with Black Veil Brides, when we started talking about my back tattoo. When I say we, I mean the band included. Then, there was a lot of screaming. I turned toward it and saw a guy with a gun pointed at us, and I had originally assumed it was aimed at Andy, the singer. Then the gunshot sounded and I looked to see if everyone was alright. Alecia and Gabriel were hiding under the table, and the band had ducked down as well. I looked for Michael when I saw that they were all ok. I saw that he was bleeding really bad, and I rushed to him. He gave me this locket before he died." I said, showing him the locket.

"Would you all be able to come with me? I want to see if you would be able to identify the name of the man who did this." the officer concluded. We all followed him to the Security tent. As soon as the hood was down, I immediately recognized his killer. It was my brother. I had not seen him since Michael and I had started dating. He had moved out of the house and refused to see my mother, or myself. But why would he do this?

"Shane?" I stated, shocked.

"You know this guy?" the officer asked.

I nodded mechanically. "He's my brother. Once I started dating Michael, he moved out of the house and refused to return, or even talk to us. We never knew why. But I have to know, Shane, why. Why would you do this to me? You knew we were getting married. You knew we would continue with our lives happily. You always said you just wanted me to be happy, so why would you destroy that? Why?!" I screamed. It was all too much for me.

He simply smiled. "You don't remember, do you. He's the guy who stole my girlfriend. I loved her so much, and she decided to go off and fuck the shit out of him because he was better than me. That's right, he wasn't a virgin when you started dating."

I walked up to him and smacked him across the face. "You think I care about what he did before he and I got together? I didn't care if he was or wasn't a virgin. He told me he wasn't. But that still doesn't explain why you did what you did. All you did was say why you didn't like him."

"It's simple," he laughed. "He took something that meant the world to me, so I took what was most precious to him...his life." Suddenly, he burst out in a fit of laughter. He was so proud of what he did.

The police told us to go home, and they would contact us if they needed us for anything else. They gave us our condolences as well. Gabriel drove the car home. I was too overwhelmed with sorrow that I would've made sure to drive the car off the road, killing us all, if I were to be able to drive.

When I got home, my mother did nothing more than wrap me in her arms and hold me. I fell asleep in her arms, but I felt her carrying me up to my bed. She left the light on and the door open so she would be able to hear me if anything were to happen. I closed my eyes, hoping to forget everything that happened.

#justwriteit  #supercharged

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