Chapter 13

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"You what!" Jessie yelled. She was beyond pissed.

"I just think you honestly need closure. You never got it, and ever since you left, you started getting depressed more and more every day. For a while, sex was your outlet. Then it was writing. You do something till you can't anymore, and then you move on. Tell me, am I going to be like that? You get bored with me and then you move on to the next best thing? If not, then just do me this favor. If you're right, I promise I'll listen from now on. If I'm right, well, we can talk about that later. But right now, we're going to see your mother." I argued back. I knew what I said would hurt her, but she would forgive me soon. She always understood. Maybe not right away, but within the week, she was back to herself, and we were back to ourselves as a couple.

"Fine, but know you're not forgiven. The woman beat the living shit out of me, always telling me it was my fault that Shane killed himself, telling me I might as well have wrapped the rope around his neck myself. Then, when she finally completely lost it, she left me to fend for myself, not caring that I had no way to get food, no way to pay the bills or anything. But let's go see that same woman! God forbid I have closure that I really don't need." Yeah, she was ready to kill me. But this needed to be done. There was no getting around it.

"Well, it could be worse..." CC tried to calm her down, but she only got angrier.

"Are you kidding me!" she yelled. She stormed off the bus to go outside. She needed a few minutes alone right now.

"Dude, what's her problem?" Ashley complained.

"Her problem is I did something I shouldn't have without telling her. She's pissed at CC still for earlier." I explained.

"What happened earlier?" Jake asked. Oops.

"I walked in during their playdate." CC said, not elaborating, which I'm thankful for. I walked outside to see how Jessie was doing. She was a bit calmer. She looked more scared than anything. We were standing outside of the mental hospital where her mother was locked up in.

"Are you ready?" I asked cautiously.

"Let's just get this over with." she muttered, trying to hide the fear in her voice. We walked through the doors and to the elevator. The ride up was dead silent. The elevator doors opened on the 6th floor, where I led her to her mother's room.

"Room 614, huh?" she muttered. I knocked on the door before entering the room.

"Mrs. Carlisle?" I asked, double checking to see if it was the right room.

"Yes? Can I help you?" she said. She had a matronly tone to her. You could tell she was a mother. Jessica looked nearly exactly like her when she wasn't wearing any makeup.

"Hello, you don't know me, but my name is Andy Biersack. I'm your daughter's boyfriend. I wanted to meet you." I said, hoping for her to remember her daughter fondly.

"Daughter?" she asked herself. Jessica walked into the room and stood beside me.

"Hi, mom." Jessie said, sounding so sincere. I knew she still loved her mom, no matter what she said, but I also knew this was hard for her.

"Jessica?" her mother asked.

"Yeah, mom. It's me." she began to tear up. Did her mother finally remember her? Did she care about her again?

"How dare you come in here like you own me. Bringing some guy to meet me, when you're the reason your brother is dead. I hope you rot in hell, you piece of shit." Her mother began. The string of insults didn't stop there.

"Ok, that's enough. I've had it with you always putting me down. You wanna know why Shane killed himself? He did it because he felt guilty. Here, this is the note he sent me before he did it. I'll be more than happy to read it to you." she said, unfolding a piece of paper she had stuffed in her pocket.

"Dear Jessica,

I don't know how to tell you how sorry I am. I just got jealous when I saw Michael. I remember being so happy with Trisha, and proposing to her, only to have her run off with him later that night. I guess it was heartbreak that drove me to do it, but none the less, I am the reason you are hurting so bad right now. And I want you to know I don't hate you. I love you, little sister. Please forgive me. My life is over. By the time you get this, I will already be dead. Please tell mom not to worry, and this was my choice. I love you both very much, and I hope you can move on and be happy in life. Both of you.

All my love and sincere apologies,

Shane Alexander"

She read, crying by the end. She threw the note at her mother. Her mother read it over, not quite believing this was the truth. I never knew about the note.

"I'm sorry that all of this happened because I fell in love with Michael, but I have moved on, and Andy makes me happy. He accepts me for who I am, not what everyone else wants me to be. I love him more than life itself, and he's my reason for living. I know you will never be happy for me, but Andy wanted to meet you. Despite how much I objected, it wasn't until I saw you that I decided it was a good idea for you to meet him. This is the man who saved my life. Who picked me up and held me close when nobody else was there for me. Not just him, but all of Black Veil Brides. Andy is the singer for the band, and that just makes him more special to me. If you can't be happy for me, than you can go to hell and stay there for the rest of your miserable life. Come on, Andy. It's time to go." She said. I agreed. It was time to leave. Jessica had gotten her closure.

"Well, you were right. What would you like?" she asked, the Jessie I remember returned.

"A kiss. And maybe some more of that excellent sex from earlier." I answered honestly. She giggled. The sound was like music to my ears.

"Deal" she said. We walked back to the bus hand in hand. There was a note on the kitchen counter.

"Gone to get food. Be back later"

I smiled knowing we had the bus to ourselves. We returned to our room and picked up where we left off before CC interrupted us.



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