Chapter 7

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Juliet was waiting at the park, just like she said she would be. She was on the top of a slide, facing the woods as I approached behind her.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She said.

''Yeah, it is. But we really need to talk Juliet."

"You only call me Juliet when you have bad news. Or when something is really wrong. Talk to me, pookie." She said, and I could hear the faked sincerity in her voice.

"Juliet, I, I don't think. I know this. We need to break up. I met someone who has changed my life completely, and I really fell hard for her. She treats me like an equal, not like a puppet or a beautician's doll. I'm not a toy who likes to be dressed up. I honestly can't say that we are in love. I don't think we ever were. So...we're through. I'm with her now." I said as gentle as possible. I knew the words would rip her heart out, but I can't sacrifice my happiness for hers when I'm not in love with her.

"Mmkay. If that's how you really feel. I thought we had something once. Looks like you played me for a fool. Big shock. I hoped you weren't like all the other guys, but it looks like you are. Goodbye, Andy. I don't think we should see each other again. Ever." Juliet cried. I knew this would hurt her, I just didn't think it would be this bad. She took off running. I had a feeling this went down badly. But atleast now, I can focus all my attention on Jessica. That was all that mattered.

I arrived at the bus in a few minutes, knocking lightly to be let in. Instantly I was bombarded with questions.

"What happened? Why did you break up with her?!" Jake half whispered.

"She and I weren't in love anymore. I don't think we ever were. But I know who I am in love with, and I asked her out before Juliet and I broke up. I mean, I'm really in love with this girl. I can't explain how I know, I just do. I think she's the one." I answered.

Jinxx smiled. "It's her, isn't it?" He asked me. I nodded. Everyone else gave a confused look.

"Guys, I'm in love with Jessica, and she and I are together now. I plan on announcing it at our next concert. I wasn't going to say anything until then, but I can't keep this a secret from you. What do you guys have for your input on this?" I wanted to know if they would accept this or would they try and talk me out of this 'madness' as most would call it.

"I think it's great. We knew you guys had a thing for each other the second you took off like you did at the concert. You didn't even do that with Juliet." Ash said. I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm going to go see if she's awake. I need to see her." I answered, dismissing myself respectfully. I walked over to her bunk to see if she was awake still. She turned around instantly when the curtain opened.

"I was wondering when you would be back." she joked.

"I was wondering if you would like to cuddle?" I answered back. I knew the bunk wasn't big enough for 2 people to stay in permanently, but for a while to cuddle wouldn't be too bad. Maybe one day she and I could share a bed. I saw in her what I wanted for my future wife. I could see settling down with her.

"Of course!" she said, scooting over as far as she could. I climbed in with her, wrapping my arms around her in an instant.

" I couldn't keep it from the guys. They found out. But they still think we should announce it to the world at the next concert. They really like you, Jess. So do I."

She just shifted position so that she could be up by my face and leaned in for a kiss. I was about to object, but then i decided to go for it. The second our lips crashed together, I felt this spark. I don't know how to explain it. All I knew is I was determined to keep this girl, and one day marry her. She was the one.

"That goodnight kiss I got earlier wasn't satisfactory. I wanted a real kiss." She said, blushing. It was so adorable. Everything about her was. I just needed to find a way to tell her without seeming like I'm trying to be a total douchebag who wants to get in her pants...not saying I don't want to eventually, but I wanted to take this slow so I didn't mess anything up.

"Tonight was the best night of my life, Jessie. I want to thank you for being all that you are. I love you for that reason. You are who you are, and you let people know that. Don't ever change for anyone. I think it's time for you to get some sleep. Something you wont find with me in your bed tonight." I kissed her one more time before allowing her to get sleep. I myself went off to my own room for some rest.



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