Chapter 26

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18 Years Later...

Andy's POV

"Dad, I'm off to Jade's appointment. Be back later!" Aiden called to me. The door shut moments later. It's been about a year since Jessie slipped into a coma. After the car accident, she needed critical care. I almost lost her twice. I keep hoping she wakes up soon, but each day it seems more and more unlikely. Aiden started dating Jade, Jinxx and Sammi's daughter 2 years ago. They're expecting twins in 4 months. While I am disappointed in him for not being more careful, I'm excited to be a grandfather. I really wish Jessie was here to see this though.

My phone started ringing, and it was a number I had quickly recognized. The hospital. I feared this day would come. I couldn't lose her. I answered the phone, my hands shaking badly as I was about to lose it. "Hello?'' I answered, the fear obvious in my voice.

"Hello, I'm calling for Andrew Biersack." The man on the line said.

"I'm him. How can I help you?" I was choking back tears.

"Hello, my name is Tyler, and I was calling about your wife, Jessica. We have some news for you. Your wife is awake. We would like if you would come down to discuss what the next step is." Tyler said.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in just a few minutes." I began to cry. I hadn't expected this news...ever. They all said she wouldn't' make it, but I just kept hoping she would. And she did. I called Adam and Kiara to let them know what was going on. Adam and Jade were going to go right after the ultrasound. Kiara said she would meet me there in an hour or so. I didn't care how long they took. I needed to be with my Jessie. The drive there was faster than expected. I quickly parked, and ran to her room.

"Jessie..." I was breathless. She was awake, and she was smiling at me.

"Andy. I love you." She said, tears in her eyes. "The doctor explained everything that happened to me. I also heard about Adam and Jade." She rambled. I didn't mind. It was such a long time since I heard her beautiful voice. Quickly filling her in on what has happened since the accident, her eyes teared up as I told her Kiara was getting married soon.

"I still can't believe my little girl is about to be married." She cried. And to speak of the devil, Kiara walked in with Adam at her side. Both had tears in their eyes at seeing her awake, as did Aiden and Jade when they walked in. Kiara began calling everyone else to the hospital, informing them of what was going on. Within an hour, everyone was here. The doctor came in just as my parents walked into the room, asking for the immediate family to be present only. Everyone else waited out in the hall while the doctor spoke to us.

"I have some excellent news. Jessica, you can go home next week. You've been stable for quite some time, but we just want to make sure that stability stays since you've woken up. You will be released, however, on one condition. You need to attend physical therapy at least once a week, and there will be a home health aide coming to check on you weekly for about a month, just for assurance. Do you understand?" the doctor announced, more of an order than a request. Everyone nodded.

One Year Later...

Jessie's POV

It's been a year since the day I woke up from my coma. At first, everything was such a shock to me. My baby girl getting married, my son having kids of his own. It was a big adjustment, but I had everyone's help, and now I am back to the way I used to be...although I am more cautious when driving. Kiara and Adam just found they're expecting a baby, and Aiden and Jade's kids are always over, and I don't want to miss a minute of it. Aiden also proposed to Jade last week.

"Jessie, are you busy?" Andy asked, pulling me from my daze. I hadn't realized I was staring out the window while I was thinking to myself.

"Not at all. Is everything alright?" I stood, walking to him.

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk about something really big." He began. Every time we have one of these talks, it's something completely life altering.

"Sure. What about?" I sat at the dining room table across from him.

"Jessie, I think it may be time for a farewell tour. The band and I already discussed it, and we all agreed we should spend more time with our families than on the road. We're all still one big family, and we're always going to be around each other, but it's time to start growing old with the people we love." He explained.

I couldn't believe this would be it. Black Veil Brides last tour. I cried at the thought. This band had saved me more than once, and I've made so many new friends because of them...I was given a second chance at life. The thought of the band's end saddened me, but I was also happy that we would all be a really big family that was always together, rather than scattered across the world at varying times.

"If that's what you all want, then that's what I want too. It's going to be sad watching the very last concert, but I want to be there." I said, supporting him.

"Actually, we wanted to know if you would sing with us on the tour. You've been a part of this band too, whether you realized it or not." Andy asked. And that's exactly what happened.

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