Chapter 21

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Andy's Pov

Jessica fell asleep before me. I couldn't stop thinking about how she looked today. I mean, she always looks beautiful, but today...I don't know of any words that could describe her beauty. She just looked perfect. Right now, everything about my life was perfect. I looked at the was 3:56am. I suppose time really flies when you're having a good time. I decided it would be a good time to get some sleep.

I woke up to Jessica curled up to me. Her breasts were exposed and the body glitter she had shimmered in the sunlight. I already felt myself getting hard, but I had to talk myself down. I took in every detail about her that was visible. Her hair tumbled down her shoulders, spilling onto the blankets. Her alabaster skin contrasted her dark colored hair. She was curvy, and perfectly proportioned in my opinion. Just then, her warm hazel eyes fluttered open.

"Morning beautiful," I kissed her forehead. She smiled, and I was unable to contain myself any longer. I began to kiss her more passionately, loving every second of it. But she pushed me off of her, dashing to the bathroom. I followed in shortly after to find her emptying her stomach contents into the toilet bowl. I felt sorry for her. If it's anything like having the stomach flu, and nearly every day, I don't think I want to put her through this ever again. I want lots of kids, but pregnancy doesn't seem too kind.

"Andy, you don't have to watch. I'm fine. This is normal for pregnancy. It's called morning sickness." She tried to reassure me, but I didn't want to leave her. She just seemed too fragile. But she chased me away, preferring to be alone at the moment. I returned to the bed, looking at the breakfeast menu to preoccupy myself until she returned.

The rest of our honeymoon was spent in Hawaii. Although she was always nauseous in the mornings, the rest of the days were fine. I also learned that she could surf quite well. She stayed near the more shallow waves for the most part, but she caught quite a few large waves too. I could never be brave enough to surf something that big. But she did with grace.

Jessie's pov

Our honeymoon was spent at the beach most days. I enjoyed surfing, and I even tried teaching Andy, but he didn't seem comfortable once the waves began to get a little high. He always wanted to watch me from the shallower part of the ocean where the small waves rolled in. I chose some larger waves to surf, taking extreme care not to wipe out for the baby's sake. After I caught a few larger waves, I decided to ride one in to be by Andy.

"Hey, Andy, I was thinking. We never really started talking about names for the baby. It won't be long before she's here, and she needs a good, strong, rebellious name. Can we discuss names later?" I asked. He smiled. We paddled back to the shallows and took our boards back to the rental shack. On our way back to the car, a wave of nausea hit me, and I threw up in a planter that was close to the car, hidden from view of everyone. I just wanted to go lay down right now. I was beyond exhausted. Tomorrow was our last day here, and I wanted to do something unforgettable.

"Why don't we take the jet skis out tomorrow for a bit, then go sailing or something," Andy suggested. That sounded perfect.

When we got to the beach, it was almost completely empty. I looked out to the ocean and saw why. There was going to be a bad storm today, and it wasn't long before it would hit. If Andy and I went out too far, we could get caught in the storm and not make it back to the shore. We decided instead to walk the beach for a bit. When the wind began to pick up, we went to the jet ski rental area about 6 miles away from where our car was parked. As long as we stayed near the shallows, we should make it back to the car before the storm hits. From there, Andy could take the car and meet me back here. I was more skilled at driving one than him, so we agreed I would return the jet ski.

Once we got on, I started the engine, allowing it to drift out enough to put the throttle on. Andy looked a bit scared, but we didn't have a lot of time to kill before it started getting nasty out.

"Hold on tight. This is going to go really fast. We should get back to the car in about 15 minutes. If you get too scared, just close your eyes, but don't let go no matter what, ok?" I explained. He agreed, and with that, we began to zip across the ocean and back to the car. I could see the car, and I began to slow down, when someone on a speed boat launched out in front of me, causing me to flip off of the jet ski with Andy. Thankfully, once the key is pulled out of the ignition, it stops. Andy elected to swim to the shore while I took the rental back. I waited until I saw him get into the car before I started the jet ski again.

As soon as he began driving, I took off, flying through the water. It took me less time to get there than when we went to get the car. I didn't want to scare Andy too much, so I drove much slower. I returned the rental, electing to wait for Andy at the shack. It wasn't long, maybe 5 minutes, before he got there, and I ran to the car. We drove to a nearby restaurant. It was called 'l'étoile de la mer'. It meant 'the star of the sea' in French. We made it just in time, too. As soon as we got inside, it started to pour. We were taken to our seats and a few people seemed to recognise Andy, coming and asking for a picture and an autograph. I learned to not get jealous over things like this.

Once that was over with, we ordered our food and ate slowly, hoping for the rain to die down. But it didn't. We decided to go back to the hotel. It was only a few miles away, but it was nearly an hour drive because there was little visibility in the rain, and everyone was going slow. My stomach began to turn. Oh, no. Not now!

"Andy, my stomach..." I said. He looked at me with great alarm before searching the car for something to vomit into. But there was nothing that would contain it. Luckily, my stomach calmed down enough for us to make it back to our hotel room. We spent the night watching some movies, checking on our flight home. It was delayed at this point, but apparently still leaving tomorrow. We had everything packed except the clothes we were going to wear tomorrow. We fell asleep sometime around midnight.

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