chapter six

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My eyes slowly open but they feel heavy and I feel weak and sore. I was on the couch. I had a blanket over me. I looked around to see Kai sitting at a table trying to put the ascendant back together.

Bonnie made it home. Why is he trying to fix the ascendant..? The spell requires Bennett blood..and we're fresh out. I tried to stand and run but a rippling pain shot through me. I cried out and fell back on my side.

Kai jumped up and looked at me. "You're awake." he said. I remember how he looked before. He looked ready to kill me and honestly it scares me so much how he can change from adorable to murderous that easily.

"The bullet broke into splinters..I got them out." he mumbled as he walked over to me. I tried to push myself farther into the couch to just disappear. Wait he got them out..? "You must have missed one.." I said pain clear in my voice.

He sat down next to me. "Yeah I see that." he mumbled. He looked concerned and deep in thought. "Want me to get it out?" he asked.

"No." I said quickly. I'll do it myself before I allow him to touch me. He fucking shot me. "Fine then. Leave it in I don't care." he spat and stood up to go back to the table.

I can do it myself. I lifted the covers to see the wound. The splinter had to be in would have healed by now otherwise. I took a deep breath and prepared myself. It isn't that deep..I feel it.

I cant dig it out by hand though. I sighed and glared at Kai. "tweezers?" I asked. He glanced at me with a slight smirk. "What about them?" he asked. I was beyond annoyed at his childless.

"You know what I'm asking." I snapped. He sat the broken ascendant down and crossed his arms." I don't believe I do." he said with an adorable innocent look.

"Do you have any tweezers I can use to dig the splinter out of my gut from when you shot me..four times!?" my voice rose so high I was yelling in the end. He shrugged. "Oh yeah of course." he pulled them out of his pocket and walked over to me.

I rolled my eyes and held my hand out for them. Suddenly he jerked his hand back and made three 'tsk' noises. "What do we say?" he asked purposely annoying me.

"Are you serious?" I asked fed up with him. He simply nodded. "Fine..Please give it to me Kai." I said clearly annoyed. "I'll give it to you anytime you want." he said back flirting with me.

I rolled my eyes again and he finally handed the tweezers over. I lifted the blanket again and something occurred to me. "Did you take my shirt off?" I asked looking at Kai horrified.

He looked me with wide eyes. "Umm..I had to. To get the splinter out..I didn't do anything..creepy." he said nervously and clearly embarrassed. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

I began to try to get the piece of wood out but winced and dropped the tweezers unable to handle the pain. Kai was now above me. "Want some help?" he asked. He honestly seemed concerned and seemed as if he wanted to help.

I handed him the tweezers and nodded letting him help me. " will hurt so hold my shoulder and squeeze when it hurts." he said and removed the cover.

I noticed his eyes linger in my chest before he snapped out of it and looked at my wound. Perv. I gripped his shoulder and caught a small smirk on his lips.

It was gone when he began to dig for the wood. I grunted and clenched my eyes shut as I squeezed his shoulder. I whimpered then he yanked the tweezers out roughly. "Shit!" I shouted and pushed him backwards. He fell to the floor.

"Damn you..why did you yank like that?!" I yelled and looked at him with a death glare which slowly vanished as I saw he had gotten the wood out of me and was smirking triumphly.

I chuckled and shook my head in disbelief. He stood up and crossed his arms. "I swear you have no manners." he grumbled playfully. "Oh would you like me to thank you for helping me when you were the cause of the whole problem anyway." I said harshly.

He pondered the thought and nodded after a moment. "Yes. It that so hard?" he asked still joking around. I glared at him. I attempted to stand and luckily I could now.

I can run. I darted my eyes to the door them back to Kai. He looked to the door following my eyes. "Don't you dare. I did just help you." he said smirking. I shook my head.

"You shot me.." I trailed off and slowly moved around so if I turned I could go for the door. "You made me do that! You trapped me here forever! She was the only way out Damn it and you just sent her home!" he shouted with a murderous look in his eyes again like before.

I flinched. "Oops.." I mumbled and turned to run. Where? I don't know. Just away from this psycho. When I reached the door I couldn't leave. It was as if a wall were there but there was nothing. A spell..he is using magic?

I turned to see him with his arms crossed and chuckling. "How? You said you can't have magic of your own?" I asked in shock.

"I don't. But you do." he said watching me. I shook my head. "I'm not a know that." I said wanting answers. "Immortality..isn't that magic, I thought while you were out. I tested my theory and it worked. I can take magic from you." he said amused.

My eyes were wide. "Wait that's not even the best part. The best part is you can't die." he said and his wicked laughter filled the room.

I'm trapped in a house...with a psycho.

Well shit.

in case you didn't figure it out or anything the pic is of Lilly.

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