chapter thirty four

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Damon was trying to make Alaric give me my emotions back. "No! If she cares about him she will be shattered by his death." Joe said not budging. "Alaric. How can you do this to me? You don't think I can make my own decisions. If I did even like Kai like that I still did all I could to keep him from getting out of the prison world." I snapped.

"I'm sorry. I'm not changing my mind." he said firmly holding Joe's hand. I felt my tears building up. "Really? She deserves to feel how she wants Alaric. This isn't like you." Elena said disappointed. Damon was furious. I was devastated. I feel like I'm missing a part of my own mind.

I turned and ran out as I began crying. I don't want anyone to see me like this. "Lilly!" Elena called for me but I kept going. I don't even know where I'm going..I just need to go. How can Alaric do this to me?! He was a friend..and Joe..she could have been but they hurt me.

I mean how does this make sense to them.


I don't know how but I ended up at Kai's door. I was hesitating though. It's morning now..they sun is just rising now. I shouldn't be here. For all I know Alaric could have agreed and I should go back.

I was about to turn and leave when the door opened and I froze. "Lilly?" he asked in a sleepy voice. He was asleep. I sighed and turned to face him. The moment he saw my face..which obviously showed I've been crying for hours..he looked really worried.

"Have you been crying? What's wrong?" he asked. The moment he asked the question it was like he broke a wall and I began to sob again. Before I knew it Kai was holding me in his arms and rubbing my back.

"I'm here it's okay.." he said over and over. He pulled me inside and walked me to his bedroom. "I'm sorry.." I sobbed out. "Lilly you've done nothing wrong. Calm down. Its okay." He said reassuringly. I sobbed into his chest more as I griped his shirt.

This is all just too much for me. I can't feel something for him..but I must body was begging for him before..but I couldn't accept it. "Can..can we just lay here?" I asked calming down a little.

He nodded. "Sure." He mumbled.
He moved up and I did too. He was holding me from behind. I curled up and closed my eyes trying to just calm down.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked. "No..just hold me please.." I said softly. "Okay.." he whispered.


"Kai let me in to see her now." Bonnie's voice filled my ears waking me up. I didn't feel Kai behind me and knew he was blocking Bonnie from coming in.

"She's resting." He said not letting her in. "She needs to know I think I can brake the compulsion." Bonnie said annoyed. She can? How is that possible? "What?" Kai asked confused. "Yeah Elena called me and told me what happened and I.." she was explaining when I stepped out of his room.

"He doesn't know." I interrupted her. "What is she talking about?" Kai asked upset. I looked down. "I'll be home soon Bonnie. Meet me there?" I asked not answering Kai. She nodded and left.

Kai shut the door and turned to me. "What was she talking about?" he asked. I began to explain.


After I explained everything to Kai..and I mean everything. Joe and Alaric planning to kill him..Joe having twins..then erasing my feelings for him if they were even there.

He hasn't said a word. We're just sitting in silence. His fist are bawled up and his jaw clenched. "You should go see Bonnie." He said in a low dangerous voice.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried about him. He looked at me and relaxed. "I'm fine." He said smiling and hugging me lightly. I hugged back.

Being in his felt right to my body..but my mind was telling me we are friends. How can Alaric do this? I pulled away and smiled. "I'll come by later." I said. He nodded and let me out.

Hopefully Bonnie can fix this. I need to know how I really feel.

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