chapter twenty six

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It's morning now. The sun woke me up. I'm in the Salvatore's like my new home. I've just gotten dressed after a cold shower. I was wearing a white tank top and jeans. I slipped on a blue jacket but didn't zip it.

"Hey. I brought breakfast." Elena said. I turned to see she had a coffee cup for me. I could smell the blood. I smiled. "Thank you." I said taking the cup and sipping from it. "Damon told you?" I asked referring to the situation with Kai. She nodded.

" you like him?" she asked. "Honestly. I have no idea. There's something there but I'm not sure I want to act on it." I said honestly. She smiled and nodded.

"Forget boys. You me and the road. Let's have a day of just us. It's long over due." she said hooking arms with me. She flashed me a huge smile making me nod and give in.

"Sounds fun." I replied.


Elena and I went a town over and compelled ourselves a spa day. We were having our backs rubbed now. Elena was in the next room. I could hear her rub had already begun.

"Hello. So sorry I'm late." I turned to see the extremely hot guy with a white muscle shirt on. "No problem." I said smiling. He was extremely attractive. He's the one rubbing me? No complaints here.

"Ok. I'll be back in a moment. You can remove your top and lay down." he said sheepishly. He was red faced..but not from blushing..he appeared to have been crying. "Wait..were you crying?" I asked not thinking. His eyes widened and he went pale.

"I'm so sorry you have to see me like this. I'm so fired. " he grumbled. "I'm not going to report anything..but if you want I'm a great listener." I offered. He looked hesitant.

"Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded without hesitation. "You don't have to." He commented. "I want to help if I can." I said. "Well there is no help for me. Well not in this situation. My girlfriend just left me..she left a note in our apartment." He admitted and began to tear up.

I walked over to her and looked into his eyes. "You wont be sad by that. She hurts but you will be happy and keep going with life. You're going to be fine." I compelled. He smiled and nodded. "You're right." He said simply.

"Okay..this may sound crazy but can I repay you this weekend. Dinner?" he offered. My eyes widened this time. He's asking me on a date? "Umm yeah sure." I blurted out kind of excited.

He smiled and let out a breath of relief. "I'll give you my number." He said getting out a paper and pen. This is real? Wow okay. Go with it Lilly. He handed me the paper and I put it in my pocket. "I'll call you." I said grabbing my things.

"You're leaving? I can still massage you?" He offered. I knew Elena was done and was waiting for me. She has heard all of this. "Yeah I have a friend waiting for me. Thanks though." I said and stopped before opening the door.

"Umm..what's your name?" I asked smiling. "Cade. You?" he asked. "I'm Lilly. I'll see you later Cade." I said smiling. He nodded. I walked out to see a smirking Elena. "Did I just compel myself a date?" I asked letting it all sink in.

"Nope. You made a sad man happy and he happened to take interest in you. You got that fair and square." she assured me. I smiled proudly. "He was so hot." I mumbled. She hooked arms with me and we cracked up as we walked out and headed to the house.

This was a pretty fun day.


We were at home now. Caroline and Stefan apparently kissed last night when I was with Kai. They aren't a thing..but they kissed. I'm happy she has him. She needs someone like that in her life right now.

I mean..she just lost her mom. Bonnie spent the day with Jeremy. Looks like everyone has had a laid back day. No one has seem or heard from Kai. That worried me..But I know not to over react after all he's done he will need time to work through all those mental issues.

I hope he's okay though. But I cant let myself go check in on him. I can't be that girl. The girl that cares but doesn't even have a relationship. Besides I have a date. That should take my mind off Kai for a while.

Hopefully Cade will help me get over Kai.

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