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A/N: Hey guys so it would mean a lot if you read the authors note at the end of this chapter. It is kinda telling you some things about something other than this book, but still in the writing community. Thnx lovies!


Of course we get many looks in the airport. Having 10 now 12 guys running around like maniacs. But ya know, it's okay.

I see that Sam takes a break from running around and sits next to me.

"So I heard that you and Hayes are dating?!" He says smiling and rocking back and fourth.

(Did I spell that last word right?! Idk?)

"Yes. Yes we are why may you ask this?" Saying it's my turn to answer and ask.

"Because he was touching you backstage. Well not really touching you, being cute is the word(s)." He says.

"Oh yeah, he likes to do that. How old are you though?" I ask.

"18 years young. How about you?" He fires back quickly.

"14, but I'll be 15 in December." I say smiling at the thought.

"From now on you can talk to me when ever you want. I'm just like another big brother to you, even though you have like "9" others." He says chuckling.

I chuckle at the thought of actually having "9" brothers.

"Thanks Sam. It means a lot. I bet you can keep a secret if there's one that needs to be kept!" I say smiling.

"Wanna go to Starbucks real quick before we leave!??" All the boys come up and ask me and Sam.

I chuckle and say "don't have to say it again!! Let's goooo!!!"

All the boys chuckle and Hayes tries to catch up with me.

"So what were you and Sammy talking about?" He asks me putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Just normal people talk. How old are you. Birthdays, stuff like that. He also asked if I was dating you, and I could come to him like a brother just like the other boys." I say.

"Awe that's sweet of Sammy boy!" Hayes says laughing.

All of us order our Starbucks. Which again we all look like maniacs. Me and LOX get somewhat dirty looks, because we are with so many boys.

Look people.....DEAL WITH IT!! Is what I was screaming in my head, but I've gotten kicked out of stores to many times. Starbucks can not be on my list.

"Flight 421 to Los Angeles, California is boarding." The lady that lives in the ceiling says.

We all give the lady our ticket and find out seats.

* LOX & Matt.
* Hayes & Aaron.
* Sam & Me.
*Skate & Gilinsky.
*Cam & Taylor & and old man. (Sorry boys)
* Nash & Johnson
* Shawn & Carter

All of us try and get comfortable in our seats and once we do. All of us start to talk to one another.

Me and Sam had talked about our interests in stuff and how he is making more music with Skate and without him. And I told him things about me. So ya know. Bonding 😊

"Okay, so when's your birthday?" I ask Sam cause we ran out of questions and we never asked this one.

"December 11th, 1995! How about you?" He says looking at me.

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