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I wake up to a weight on my stomach and a stank near my nose. I open my eyes are see Carter's feet touching the tip of my nose and Hayes' face on my stomach cuddling me. I grab my phone from the coffee table next to me and see what people have been up to. Instagram: a few likes, comments, followers, DM's; Twitter: some retweets, DM's, favorites, quoted tweets, comments; YouTube: subscribers, comments, likes, dislikes, notifications from people I'm subscribed to, etc. I then check my messages and see that my group chat with Sam and Ray has some messages from late last night.


R: Sav & Sam r u guys busy tom?

S: Yeah, I have 2 babysit my brother tom while my parents have there anniversary day.

R: That's fine I just wanna know when all 3 of us r all free, so we can hang together.

S: K, I'm free all next week. So maybe sometime then.

R: Same I don't have anything on my schedule next week @ all.

S: K so Sav just needs to answer then we can talk more about our girls day.

R: Yeah, well it's late so I'm gonna go get my beauty sleep.

S: AHAHAHAHA KK, night Ray.

RAY read the message @ 3:25am.


I decide to text them back and say I'm free all next week as well and to just call me whenever. They probably won't answer cause they are still asleep. So I text back, take a quick pic of Hayes sleeping and post it on my Snapchat, then try and get up and get something to eat. I try and slide out of the tight grip Hayes has me in, but I'm a piece of gravel compared to a freakin boulder on top of me. My stomach starts to growl and I'm really hungry. Hayes will most likely go back to sleep if I get up so I try my hardest to get out of his grip and I am successful. I head to the kitchen and see we really need to go grocery shopping. Jeez my mom is out on a business trip for the month of August, so I and the boys have to go grocery shopping and stuff like that. UUUGGGHHH there is like nothing to eat besides some fruit, so I guess I'll eat that. The guys will probably go out to eat or something later.



Sav came and talked to me about filming a video with her about our family and us in general. I agree and we head up to her room to start to film. She gets out her lights, camera, microphone, etc. and sets everything up. After all that she explains what we are going to talk about and if there is anything else, she also said some fans had some questions about her changing her social media names so we are gonna talk about that as well. Lets get this show on the road.


After I talked with Carter about filming our video together I decide to go upstairs and get ready for filming. I decided on a pink cropped sweatshirt, black NIKE leggings, my PINK pink crew socks and a pair of NIKE white slide on's. I do my normal makeup and add some jewelry and now I'm good to go. I call Carter up and tell everyone they have to be quiet while we are on set. I set up all my filming equipment and hit record!


S=Sav C=Carter

S: Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel. As you can see I have a special guest with me today, Can you introduce yourself please?

C: Hey guys & girls I'm Carter Reynolds, Sav's older brother.

S: So today Carter is with me today to talk about our family and some questions you guys asked. We are going to go through what has happened and why we are at this state today.

C: To start from the beginning Sav and I were some of the closet's siblings you'd ever see. Then in 2013 I was asked to come/join a tour called MAGCON because I was well known on Vine and other social medias. I took up on the offer to meet and talk with the fans I had at the time. I went on the small tour and came back no problem.

S: Then MAGCON asked Carter to return to MAGCON in 2014 and go all around America, yes they did have breaks to come home and see friends and family. But sometimes Carter didn't always come home when they had breaks, he would stay with a friend that lived close or go home with one of the guys. I took that as him not loving us anymore and not caring about me and our mom. So that's when I changed, I turned into a complete idiot. At age 13-14 I did drugs, I snuck out of the house and got together with my "friends" and did terrible things that I will not talk about. I did that to take the pain away of feeling forgotten by my own blood.

C: I came back from tour at the beginning of summer and I brang the whole MAGCON crew with me, because most of their families are in other parts of America and the manager wanted us to all be in Cali for meetings and stuff like that. I only told my mom I was coming home with the boys and she never told Sav.

S: At first I wasn't to pleased that all of them showed up unexpectedly, but as the summer went on I grew out of my old habits I had when Carter was gone and returned to a good amount of my old self. I'm SUPER happy that my brother and some of his best friends are living with me!

C: Now onto your guys' questions! The first one is "Are you guys full siblings?".

S: Yes we are complete blood siblings. "Why did Sav have her social media names as Sav Thompson?"

C: Sav started social media after I went on tour, and she didn't want anything to do with me so she completely changed.



Carter and Sav finished their video together and he is now downstairs with the rest of the guys. I head up to Sav's room to see what she's doing. I walk in and see she is asleep on her computer. She was probably editing her video. I lift her head slightly and close the computer and move it to her desk. I move her to where her pillows are and cover her with her blanket. I kiss her forehead and start to walk out of the room when I hear a faint whisper.

"Hayes please lay with me." Sav whispers to me just enough for a mouse to hear.

I turn around and walk back into her room and crawl into the bed with her. She cuddles into my chest and we both fall asleep.

OMG I feel like I haven't been able to write forever. I'm so super sorry for not updating you guys on Sav and everyone else, but I've been so busy with my school work and family that I haven't had time to do my work for my lovies. But I hope you can forgive me and love this chapter as much as I loved writing it! I can't promise a new chapter every week, but every other week I can do for you. Please tell me what you think, I had a little trouble writing this chapter yet I managed to do it. Thank you for reading! Stay strong lovies and I'll talk to you later!!!


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