The TCA's

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We had to gather everyone so Bryant could take pictures of us before we left for the award show. Most people know how to pose for photos and how to be proper when taking pictures for a magazine or a social media website, but no not the people I live with right now. We're...well the guys are very hyper for some reason, maybe they're just excited but who knows? Bryant is really happy for us and proud of how far we've gotten.

"Okay guys, now I want one of all of you together Sav is in the middle. K positions!!'' Bryant yells at us to make sure we got the directions. Gosh gotta love him.

We get into positions with the two tallest at the end and me in the middle. Even with heels on I'm still the shortest. Damn, I guess 5'7" just won't cut it when you live with guys over 5'10". I'm a little nervous for todays award show. I've gone to the TCA's before just I've never been a nominee for an award. My brother and everyone else is proud of me for being so successful and not caring about the hate. I get knocked into a trance from just thinking about how far all of us have gotten.

Hayes puts his hand on my shoulder and that knocks me out of my trance. He smiles at me with those amazing teeth. Man I love where I am right now in life. I'm hoping to see other people I know. We all get out the door and head to the limo that's gonna take us to the red carpet. I sit next to Hayes and Aaron. Hayes keeps his arm around my waist while I make small talk with everyone. Someone finds the remote thing for the radio/speakers and cranks up some music!!

---Red Carpet---


I'm so proud of my sister for her to be a nominee, she's so big for a 14 year old. When Sav started Vine and YouTube mom was a little nervous for her to start at a younger age unlike most of us we started when we were 16 or 17. We are now walking the carpet together, after taking pictures for the media all of us kind of go separate ways. I see #SAYES as people like to call it talking with Chris Trondsen from PacificRimVideoPress, man he's a good guy.


Hayes and I just finished an interview with Chris, I like him. We are now headed into the arena where the award show is being held. The whole MAGcon crew sits with each other. They've really went big with this years award show, I like it! Hayes grabs my hand, I guess he can see that I'm a little nervous. Him touching me always calms my nerves, hell being with him just calms my nerves. Little sparks go through my body and my pulse seems to heighten but yet at the same time his touch seems to keep it steady. People are still gathering into their assigned seats and people are socializing and stuff like that. Most people are on their phones posting about the TCA's, I see almost all the guys on their phones tweeting, instagraming, vining, whatever other social medias there are. I do the same, but I look on peoples pages, I don't post anything until after the show cause I wanna enjoy this moment without having to post something. Even if I do win I wait until the shows over and I'm back home. We shall see how this award show goes this evening.


The announcer thingy announces that KingBach and Lele Pons were announcing Best Six Second Dancer Award. They make a few jokes here and there while up on stage, normal for Viners. Then the nominees are shown. I see some other dancers that I actually know, others I don't. But my best wishes go to everyone and whoever wins I will congratulate them for the award. They start to open the folder thing and they look everywhere smiling. I wonder why? This whole time Hayes has held my hand, throughout the whole show just to calm my nerves that I realize are back. But feeling nervous is good, it means you care about the certain thing happen.

"And the winner issssss...." Both Lele and Bach say keeping the audience waiting as well as everyone at home I'm guessing?!

"SAVANNAH REYNOLDS!!!!!!" They say smiling right towards where I'm sitting. I smile wide eyed not believing what they just said.

I get up and I get a quick hug from each of the guys either them saying "Congrats" or "I knew you could do it". I walk up to the stage hugging KingBach and Lele with them saying "Congrats" as well. Speech time, let the people know who helped you get here and thank the people for the support you've received. Here we go Sav, don't mess up!

"Well I don't what to say. Thank you to the MAGcon Tour that helped me meet all of my wonderful supporters and letting me meet amazing guys that have turned into my family. Thank you to my supporters for getting me here and supporting me no matter what. And for everyone thinking they can't do something or someone is telling you that, well I know you can and I know everyone else that loves and cares about you knows that you will get far but only from perseverance and believing in yourself! Thank you everyone!" I say smiling and blowing a kiss to my family of about 12 guys.

---After Award Show---


So I only won Best Six Second Dancer, but I'm still super thankful. Shawn won an award and Cameron won an award. Jack & Jack were in the same category as Shawn I'm so proud of both of them! And Cameron winning an award is just amazing. I don't think anyone of us thought joining Vine or Instagram or YouTube would have brought us to over a 1 million amount of supporters and having amazing opportunities that we love. Most of us started one of these social media platforms to help others or to help ourselves or we just started it to have fun and remember the memories. So thank you everyone who has supported, no matter if your new to the "MAGcon Family" or if you've been with one of us or all of us since the beginning. Now time to get out of this dress and take off this makeup so I can fall asleep thinking about all the wonderful things in my life.


Part 2 of the TCA's. I'm sorry it took longer than expected but I tried to write this chapter and edit it as soon as possible you wonderful people. Also MAGcon Tour is actually back!! Has anyone ever gone to one of their stops or is planning to? I've wanted to see them since they began, but that never happened. Its okay though! I'm in the middle of writing some things for my Tumblrs since I just got it back. My Tumblrs are just for Imagines and Fanfics about Teen Wolf {mostly Stiles Stilinski}. But if you want my Tumblr than just DM or you comment, some way to get my attention. This chapter was suppose to have a theme of encouragement and confidence, meaning I wrote Savannahs speech to help you readers understand all of you are important in someway and no one can bring you down no matter what. Stay strong my lovies and I'll talk to you later!!!!


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