soccer star

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soccer star! luke

soccer team captain luke getting all fired up because of an unfair play so he storms off of the field in the middle of a game and he would furiously push the locker room's doors open and sit on the benches in attempt to calm him down, but you both knew it would do nothing. he knew you would eventually go after him, you being the only thing that could persuade him to do anything, so after a couple minutes of sitting and huffing, you joined him in the locker room and calmed him down but you both knew all you really wanted to do, and that's exactly what you did. luke would smile gratefully at you for calming him down but his eyes would naturally go for your lips and he would lean in, catching you off guard, and roughly press his lips to yours. he would grab your waist and you would both stand up and before you knew it he had you pressed against a wall, his arm giving him support by holding it above you on the wall and the other one on your waist. both of your hands would cup his cheeks as he pressed his body against yours in search of friction, but before anything got too steamy you stopped it, obviously wanting to go on but knowing he had to go play – he was the best player on the team. the black lines that were under his eyes were smudged and smeared, partially from you and partially from the sweat dripping down his forehead.


raise ur hand if u wish luke would make out with u *raises 8 hands*

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