another best friend of course

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you and your best friend luke always doing dumb things like going out at midnight and buying tubs of ice-cream at 3am or walking through the city for hours just looking in stores and buying little gifts for your family/each other. luke would always be the best best friend you could ask for because he'd lend you anything when you needed it (money, his sweater, his beanie) and he would never let you do anything alone because "everything is more fun when you've got your best friend right by your side." everyone would always assume you were both a couple and after years of just denying it, you'd just shrug and move on with doing whatever you were doing because you both didn't care/know at this point. Luke knew he had a crush on you and you had a slight crush on him so you both never wanted to make a big deal about things in fear the other would find out but he would always be a sort of boyfriend to you because of all the things he did but when prom came around he was too chicken to ask you and so some jock asked you instead and of course you said yes because you knew luke would never like you in that way so you went with someone else. as you were all decked out and looking beautiful, you would text your date and call him but he never replied, nor did he show up. you had gotten stood up and you were so hurt and all you wanted to do was cry because you clearly weren't good enough for some jock, so doing what any best friend would do, you called up luke and he immediately insisted you went to his house so you walked in your beautiful prom dress down the street with tears/makeup streaming down your face because prom was ruined and as you got to his place he opened the door almost right away and hugged you before bringing you up to his room. for the first 10 minutes he calmed you down and played music and then he would give you all the ice-cream in his house because he hated seeing you upset and wanted you to be happy no matter what, and that night you learned two things: you weren't going to let some dumb guy ruin your night and that luke's shirts went down to your mid-thigh.

haven't updated in a while, but we have hit 1k reads so thank you all so much!

guess who danced with a cute boy at a party last night. bless.

love u all, see ya soon :-)


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