seniors and decisions

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best friend! luke. again.

okay so you've been friends with luke for almost eight years (ever since you started school with him in middle school) and the two of you had always been considered the "class couple". you had never dated / thought about dating so you would both laugh it off, ignoring the butterflies that made their way into ur stomach as you did so. both of you would always hang out after school (just you two, nobody wanted to interrupt) and go to Starbucks or wherever the hell you wanted to go and everyone would say it was extremely cute and their "goals". of course, it was inevitable, over the years luke had developed the tiniest crush on you. he didn't want to ruin everything, so he just ranted to Calum about how much you messed up his sleeping schedule and about all of the drama you've caused him even though while you saw each other nothing changed but he saw the slightest things as a milestone. for example, one day you happened to have injured your leg so while you were in Starbucks you just layed it across his lap.

he got a boner.

he would stay up until 4am with Calum and point out everything you did, and it was just eating him up. as the last day of school rolled around, therefore meaning that you would become seniors, luke had decided. he had decided that he wanted you to be his girlfriend and that he wanted you in general - in every way possible (don't take that sexually alright). as you both sat down and watched ashton graduate, his hand would find yours as he silently stared ahead, the only thing that seemed to be doing anything in his body being his hand.

you didn't object. you held hands.

and then, just as you were leaving, he decided again. with the help of calum, of course.

a lot of "I can't fucking do it"s and "what if she hates me afterwards?" were said, but with Calum being the amazing friend he was, he persuaded him into do it. Luke would silently wait as you finished talking to Michael, rocking on his heels behind you. as you turned around you smiled and he began talking, making your cheeks feel like flames.

"alright so recently I just thought 'fuck it, why the hell not'. this is something I've wanted to say for 2 years and have come close to exploding because of, and I've decided that it's time. [your full name] I love you – wait no, fuck that, I'm in love with you. it's cliche, I know, arrest me, but it's the truth. and I cannot go one more day knowing the fact that I have bubbled up feelings there and I have no idea what you think about me. thoughts?"

he kept his posture, keeping an extremely nonchalant facial expression as he spoke. how the hell do you reply to that?

"Lucas, my idiot best friend," you smiled, stepping towards him. he rolled his eyes. "I love you – wait no, fuck that, I'm in love with you."

the spacing here is sorta kinda weird but it kinda needed it lol.

i was really focused on all of my unpublished stories and idk why but I forgot about this sorry sorry sorry for not updating.

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