homework buddy

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homework buddy! luke

homework buddy! luke always coming over after school and doing your homework with you, drilling your flash cards and memorizing math problems. one day after school as you're walking home with him, something you'd do from time to time, he stops you from walking and leads you into a Barnes and nobles. since you didn't bring money and just looking at books would slowly kill you considering your love for them, you tried to say no and push him away but he wouldn't have it and he brings you inside, telling you it's easier to study with books surrounding you and no distractions. you both find a place to sit and you pull out your books, reading over your homework. as you began to read luke's eyes would fall to your mouth, then he would shake off the thoughts he had and continued reading from his book, but little did you know that the only reason luke had brought you there was so he could admire you as you read because he loved the way your lips moved and the way your face lit up when you found your favorite books and ALSO little did you know that homework buddy luke had a crush on homework buddy y/n since day one


ok sorry I have been dead it's because of thanksgiving and stuff and I was super busy / barely even on my phone wow

anyways I hope you all had a nice thanksgiving if you celebrate it but if not I hope you guys had a nice couple of days


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