Chapter 35: Lead the Way

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Hauling yet another heavy load of wood, Merry trudged into the innermost cavern, dodging the taller orcs, goblins, and uruks busy making ready for war. He disliked coming to this cave, though he'd been forced to do so more and more as the orcs needed more fuel for their fires.

Despite his reluctance, he had tried-and failed-to reach his friends' shadowy prison since he had made his terrible discovery. Once, he had managed to get close, but he'd been quickly noticed. Unable to explain away his movements, he'd paid for them with a brief beating.

Having abandoned his goal, his helplessness burned in his empty belly, and now he took to averting his eyes and keeping himself distracted until he quit the cave. Once on his way, he resumed his investigations of pathways and tunnels, fostering plans of escape. He could not bear the sight of Legolas and Gimli, but he would not leave them to their death.

Dumping the wood beside an oven, Merry stretched his tired arms. He would have to look for food soon. He hadn't eaten since Pippin had last snuck him the fruit and bread, when he had taken it to be morning. If they wanted him to keep moving, they had better feed him!

Heading back to the pile of wood brought in from the forest, Merry stole a glance across the cave where a large, dark tunnel led away somewhere, directly opposite the entrance through which Merry entered. The mouth of the forbidding passage was large and smoothly carved, as if done with care. Yet not one creature here paid the archway any heed.

Much as he dreaded it, he remained certain he had to investigate that tunnel. He had managed to get across the cavern once by toting materials that gave all the impression he was on an errand. None had questioned him until he had reached the other side, and there his journey had nearly ended in another beating.

"Oi!" Merry looked up, ready to defend his actions, but Uglúk had called Norgry over instead. "Get all the weapons gathered up. Or get one of the maggot-goblins to do it for you. But make sure every lad's got a weapon of some sort. Deal out what armor we got too. You take care of that yourself, as there ain't enough for every soldier. Got all that?"

"Right, got it. Any idea where we heading to?"

"We go where Saruman tells us to go! Now get on with it!"

Merry realized he knew more than the orcs around him of Saruman's plans to march to Edoras. He likely knew more regarding the location and significance of the city as well-his time in Rivendell's libraries had not been ill spent after all. Pippin had got it all right, like a good hobbit.

It looked like Saruman might take Strider with him to Edoras, maybe to use as a trick against the King of Rohan-or against Sauron? Merry shook his head. Pippin hadn't been clear on everything, except one thing: Rohan needed warning. But Merry had yet to come up with a plan for escape, much less one that would bring them to Edoras in time to give the people ample time to prepare.

Norgry stomped off with his orders and without a thought for Merry. Never the best at minding Merry, now Norgry was laden with enough to allow Merry to wander freely.

"Eh, halfling!" Or so he thought. "Any wood left?"

"Oh, eh, yes, there's some left. Maybe a couple of trips worth."

Norgry nodded. "Bring it out then. These lads gotta finish what they started."

Merry nodded, but Norgry was already on his way, giving his next order. Merry stood there for a moment watching Norgry stomp away. Orcs were running about, the pace picking up again as everyone got their new orders. Merry wasted no time.

From beside the woodpile, he picked up a small hammer, what looked like tongs, and other tools he had no name for. Merry left the cavern and turned into the corridor that ran along the outside of it. He re-entered the cavern at the opposite end, but all were too busy to take note. Barely glancing behind him, he slipped into the dark tunnel, the blackness swallowing him immediately.

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