Chapter 59: Release and Regret

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"Legolas," Éowyn said as she entered the infirmary, and Legolas leapt back into his bed. "Yes, do jump into bed before I arrive. I shall never know you were out of bed again." She sighed, sounding weary before a smile found its way onto her lips. Legolas briefly regretted that he was such a difficult patient. "Gandalf would like to see you."

Legolas nodded. After sensing the departure of the Enemy, he had thought Gandalf might come to the infirmary to free him. "Has he spoken with the king?"

"Gandalf has done much in recent hours," she said, her smile growing, and she gestured to the doorway.

Legolas rose at once. He had already considered sneaking out, but had stopped at the thought of Lady Éowyn's wrath. He tugged on his borrowed tunic. It felt odd and was too small for him, but he was grateful for it just the same. As he moved to the door, the woman stopped him.

"Here." She began wrapping a cloth around his neck and arm.

"What is this?"

"This will rest your hand while you are standing. Else, while the fingers are so swollen, the blood will not flow properly. It will become uncomfortable."

He stared at the contraption into which she had tied him. His protest was halted by the easing of the pressure that had already grown in his fingers. Reluctantly, he accepted the sling. Éowyn led him to the king's Hall through corridors wan in the morning's light.

The woman slowed before the doors to the Hall. She looked Legolas over, tugged on a sleeve, but it was simply too short. His leggings just reached his ankles, but at least they were without holes. Apparently deeming him acceptable, her hint of a smile as she opened the doors unnerved him.

The hall was dim, but Legolas clearly saw a group of people at the end of the hall. They turned to him as one and his breath caught in his throat.

"Legolas!" The hobbits ran for him, and after a moment of shock that froze him still, Legolas grabbed the hobbits and hugged them both with his free arm.

As they grabbed at Legolas, he winced as he laughed. "Merry! Pippin! What a wonder to see you! I knew not if you lived or what fate Saruman had left for you." He was dismayed to hear his voice so rough. "It is a joy to know you are well and whole and together."

"Actually, we weren't together until a few hours ago," Merry said, his eyes somber despite his smile. "But that's a very long story. You'd best have a seat and a drink were we to begin it." Legolas grinned, overjoyed to hear hobbits speaking of food and drink.

Aragorn approached. "It seems the Valar have seen fit to bring us all to Edoras." He threw a knowing a glance to Gandalf.

"When did you arrive, Legolas?" Merry asked. "How?"

"I arrived with Gandalf last night, many hours after sunset. How that came to be is another long tale."

"I assure you all," Gandalf interjected, "I did not keep his presence from you deliberately. I fear I was a bit preoccupied with a Ringwraith and a corrupt wizard."

Legolas's brow darkened as he scrutinized Gandalf and his words. "Do you mean to say Saruman is here in Edoras?" he said sharply.

"He is. Our encounter concluded it must."

Legolas heard the note of regret in Gandalf's voice, but he had no interest in deciphering the wizard's words. "You have seen to them both, then?"

"Théoden has imprisoned Saruman. He will keep for the moment. The Nazgûl is no more." Legolas thought it peculiar to imprison a wizard, but for now trusted Gandalf's judgment.

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