Chapter 40: A Visit

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"I believe the River is near," said Merry, as they neared the outcropping that formed an arm of the Wizards' Vale and offered the first true cover of the day.

"Those are welcome words," said Gimli. "I fear my strength wanes and I am in need of rest. When we reach the river, I would beg one indulgence, if you will, Master Merry." He hesitated as they walked with the aid of the full moon's light. "I desire a simple bath. Forgive me for making the suggestion. I know we must make haste, and I will not take much time."

"Not to worry, Gimli. We must reach the River Isen regardless as we need more water. We have not crossed a stream in hours. And our injuries need washing again."

"Yes, but had neither been the case, my need for a river would be just as great. I fear I smell like an orc."

Merry gave him a small smile. "We will spare the few moments to wash the stench of orc from you."

Passing through a small grove, they found a suitable clearing close to the banks of the Isen and made their first full stop since leaving the tower. Merry was glad for the rest, though he fought a strong drive to continue. "Do you think we could risk a fire, Gimli?"

"Are you able to make a smokeless one?"


"Very well. I think we can risk it. I will return shortly."

After a time far longer than shortly, Gimli had not returned. The clearing was suitable to camp for the night if Gimli was too tired to go on, but he hadn't mentioned such a plan. Too insecure in their new-found freedom, Merry went in search of Gimli.

With the moon nearly full, Merry found his way easily, following the sound of gurgling water to the shore of the river. Many large rocks were scattered about in the shallows, and Merry looked among them for his friend. But despite the light of the moon, he could not see him. In fact, it seemed nothing about him moved, save for a branch or two swaying in the breeze and the rushing water.

Merry's throat tightened and he chose silence rather than calling out the dwarf's name. Taking a few steps along the beach, Merry soon spied a rock that looked strange-its edges were too soft and round.

Drawing closer, he saw he'd found what he sought. Poor Gimli, exhausted yet ever continuing. But when he had finally stopped moving-he'd fallen asleep! The dwarf snored softly against the rock, fully clothed yet half submerged in the river.

"Gimli," Merry called softly. He called again when Gimli did not rouse.

The dwarf woke suddenly with much splashing and thrashing. "What? Where?" He looked about for a moment, then everything seemed to come back to him. "Merry."

"Yes, Gimli. It seems your bath has turned into a nap."

Gimli looked at the river flowing about him and chuckled. "Indeed. I sunk into the water, and then..."

"It's all right. I had only gotten worried when so much time had passed."

"Worried?" Gimli sounded indignant. "Merry, I have been a prisoner of Saruman, a plaything of orcs, and climbed out of Orthanc. What could possibly stop me now?"

"We are out of Orthanc. I suppose we needn't expect danger to walk up to us on the riverbank. While I'm here, I could wash my hands and feet. I have some cuts that should be cleaned."

As Gimli gave himself a dunking, Merry rinsed his hands. "How long do you think it will take us to reach Edoras, Gimli? If I remember the maps in Rivendell well enough, we aren't nearby, are we?"

After a moment, Gimli answered, "No, we are not. I truly do not know how long it will take. My own memory of the maps tells me we are not close. Nevertheless, we will walk until we reach our destination or we can walk no more."

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