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Tick, tock.

You look up to the big, ancient clock in the living room your family got bequeathed from your already passed away parents of your father. You place yourself on one of the old, black couches your parents bought in a second-hand shop.

Tick, tock.

You are still not sure about what happened a few minutes ago. Recalling, someone had called you telling you that you were one of the girls who are allowed to see Justin Bieber because you got the highest number of points in the quiz. The joy is streaming through your body and making you smile disproportionately like one of this comic dudes. But so what, your heart is almost exploding because of the enthusiasm you feel right now. This is the happiest day in your life!

Tick, tock.

You would like to scream out loud for hours to show the world how you are feeling right now. All the windows in your neighborhood would probably break into thousands of pieces. But as well, you are afraid to lose your voice, so you would not be able to talk to JB tomorrow. OMG! This would be horrible. Your eyes are widening in shock. No you mustn’t scream right now. It is important not lose the future out of your eyes. So you just stay quiet and try not to let out a single sound out of your mouth.

Tick, tock.

The old couch is squeaking because your body is quaking so much. You don’t know why you are acting this way. No, that’s a lie. You do know! You can’t just sit here and do nothing but waiting for your parents to tell them.

Tick, tock.

You get up and walk upstairs into your small room. With your laptop you lie down your bed and you boot it.

You: “Gosh. C’mon, baby. Little faster would be great!”

You hate your laptop. It’s so slow. Well, you are actually happy that you have one at all.

Tick, tock.

You are able to hear the clock upstairs. Or maybe it’s just an imagination in your head, but that does not count right now.

A few minutes later you are able to open your web browser and thereby twitter. You check Justin’s profile but there are no new tweets.

So you just tweet: “You won’t believe it! I worked it out!”

Now you feel a little better and your body stopped quaking. Now it is time for Facebook. You want them girls to be jealous of you. All the ones which called you an idiot or bullied you because they thought you failed the test as you once did.

Tick, tock.

You sign in on Facebook and …

You: “No one online? What the hell? Why?”

This was really strange. Actually there is always at least one person online. But instead of talking or rather chatting you just leave a status: “I won! JB and me – t’morrow – 10:20 at Hugglekiss”

Tick, tock.

And now? Now you are again sitting, well, this time on your bed, but you are sitting and almost freaking out. When do you parents want to come back from work?

Tick, tock.

You get up once again and open your closet. At least you can look for the perfect outfit when you meet Justin. It is true you went shopping with your friends for some clothes you could wear when meeting Justin. But now you do not feel confident enough. What if he does not like what you wear? And what if he does not like your perfume? About an hour later you are still standing in front of your opened closet. Bugger. This sucks.

Tick, tock.

Then suddenly you hear the entrance door opening. You run down the stairs, almost stumbling. But this was worth it. You see your mom entering the room and you rush up to her.

You: MOM!!”

She looks like she is having a heart attack. She is totally shocked, but then starts talking.

Mom: “WHAT THE ….? Gosh, honey! Stop horrifying me this way! What’s the matter?”


Mom: “What did happen, honey? Did you burn something down, or …?”


Mom: “How often did I tell you not to answer the phone if I am not at home! You know there are not always good people around you! And actually, why does he want to meet you at the Hugglekiss? Do you have a boyfriend!?”

You: “No. I don’t have a boyfriend, mom! OMB. You know I won the quiz I took part in about Justin Bieber! I got the highest rank and now I am allowed to meet him. I mean Justin. I’m gonna see him!”

Mom: “Oh, that’s good news!”

But the way your mom said this did not sound very good, not at all.

You: “Mom? What’s up?”

Mom: “You are not gonna see him!”


Mom: “You do not go to the Hugglekiss tomorrow! Your teacher called me twice this week at work and today again. So it’s three times, actually. Your marks are worse than I thought they would be. You cannot follow your dreams if you go on like this. School is first! You have to concentrate on your marks!”


Mom: “I know. And what if he does not chose you as his one less lonely girl? What then, honey? Will be even more depressed? Will you commit suicide? And what are your plans if you are kicked out of school?”

You: “I … I …”

Mom: “See! Thus you are double grounded!”

You: “NO!”

Mom: “For two weeks!

The world breakes down on you. It feels like you would die the next second.

Mom: “Are not allowed neither to use your computer nor your phone and you mustn’t leave the house!”


Mom: “Shall we go for four?”

Her eyes are locked in yours and you know that you will be the weak one who will have to give up.

Before things would get worse you just stamp upstairs angrily and slam your door.

... to be continued ...

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xoxo Phil

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