The Chance

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Hey, there :) Before you start reading, please notice that I started writing this story in 2010 and I wasn't into writing that much as I am now and I can tell you my skills have improved. Check out my "Life - a short story collection", that has actually nothing to do with the Bieber, if you wanna know my new style. Thanks. Now enjoy reading (:

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Justin Bieber is still touring all around the world.

You have been a Belieber since the first time you have heard his voice. Once you got an e-mail from a friend which asked you to look up a video on youtube. A young boy was singing at an audition. The video already got some hundred of views. The channel's name was "kidrauhl". From the first second on you were fascinated of the young boy's wonderful voice and his cute smile. 

Yes, you know Justin Bieber for ages. Well, you haven't met him, yet. That is the really sad point of your life. But there is probably a even worse one. Justin Bieber is on his world tour but you will not be able to go to one of his concerts because you cannot afford a ticket. It is way too expensive!

Of course you have asked your mom and dad and your relatives for the needed money, but they all said no. But the problem is not your family. The thing is that your are really not rich. You are poor! You always have to think about buying something before you are really sure to spend money on it.

Though your whole family is poor you get some pocket money. But just not enought to be able to afford a concert ticket, especially a ticket for Justin Bieber. Even on your birthdays you do not get any presents.

There is just one thing you get. You can choose the kind of food for your birthday meal. It is the only day at which your family does not matter a damn about money.

It is Wednesday and you and your friends are at yours.

"Hey [your name]! Look what I've bought today!", Jennifer says and puts a glossy magazine out of her schoolbag.

"OMG! The new - JayBeMagazine - !?" your other friend Melody shouts.

You: "Yeah, gosh! Awesome, Jenny. I'd wish I'd have the money to buy me one. Did you read it, yet?" 

Jenny: "No. Not, yet! I bouth it this morning and carried it around in school,the whole day! I waited to share this moment with ya!"

Melody: "Ahaha, Jenny. Great!"

You three are lying on your bed. Jenny between you and Melody, so you three are able to look into the new magazine. It's all about Justin Bieber and is published every single week on Wednesdays. 

Suddenly Melody screams out loudly:

Jenny: "Aaaah! Why the fuck are you freaking out that loud!!"

Melody: "Look!" She point with her finger on the right hand corner of the page.

You: "Looking for the nex one less lonely girl ..." Your eyes widen! "OH MY BIEBER! Are you joking!?"

Perhaps this is one of a million chance to meet him. To meet Justin Bieber! You gulp loudly and continue reading.

You: "Are you a female and true Belieber? ... Here is the one time chance to fulfill one of your dreams! ... As you might know, on his tour, Justin Bieber always chooses a girl to be his OLLG, also known as one less lonely girl. ... He sings his song 'One Less Lonely Girl', while flirting with the chosen girl and in the end he hands her a bunch of flowers. ... Now Justin Bieber wants to make a special exception. ... He is looking for his next OLLG. ... But not just for one single concert ... To be exact, he is looking for one who gets that role for seven concerts! ... At the following Saturday at 9 am there will be a big quiz at the 'Hugglekiss-Mall' about Justin Bieber. ... Every girl who wants to take part in, can take part in! ... The girls who answer most of the questions correctly will have the chance to meet Justin Bieber personally! ...  Afterwards he will choose the OLLG. ... For further information look up Justin's official facebook page and youtube channel. ... Good luck! Seize your chance!"

Jenny: "Gosh, this is unbelievable awesome!"

You: "It totally is!" You nod mesmerized.

Melody: "Are we gonna work this out, girls?"

Jenny: "Sure! ... What about you?" Jenny looks at you.

You: "Uhm ... I dunno. Well, it's the mall. I guess, I don't have the money to go there. It's far from here and the only chane to get there for me is via the bus. But ..."

Melody: "I'm gonna ask my mom to take you with us in the car, honey!"

You: "OMB! Really?"

Melody: "Yeah, sure sis!"

You: " Aww. I love you, Melo!" You hug her closely.

The following Saturday will maybe your best day of your life.

Jenny: "But do you think, we can really work this out? I mean, we are really true Beliebers, but do we really know everything about JB?" She looks worried.

You: "Oh. You're right. There will probably be a lot difficult questions to answer so it's easier for Justin to choose his girl, won't there?"

Melody: "Hm. Damn. I really hate learning!"

You: "Hey, it's not learning! We just want to know everything about him!" You start giggling.

Melody: "Ahaha. Ok, you are right. That way is sounds way better! But we really have to find out a lot of things before we are able to take part in the quiz, girls!"

"Right!" You and Jenny answer.

... to be continued ...

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Aye, reader. So, this is the first chapter of YOUR WORLD and the first I ever wrote in English. Hope you enjoyed reading it though it's a bit short. Please tell me what you think of it or what to improve. Would be great to read all your commentaries. Thanks. <3

xoxo Phil

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