Justin's Berlin

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What happened so far …

You took part in a quiz about Justin Bieber. You won and as a reward you are now Justin’s OLLG for seven concerts wherever you want. At first your parents did not allow you to go on tour with Justin because of your bad marks, but you improved and you are now in Berlin, the capital of Germany, where Justin will perform the next day.

It is midday when the private, purple Jet of Justin is landing in Berlin. Both, you and Justin have not eaten, yet, although you are traveling that long. Careful you leave the plane by the small stairs. Fresh air is all around you and you can feel a soft wind on your face. You take a deep breath. The temperature here is a little lower but you get used to it, very quickly. You close your eyes and take a next breath. As you open your lids again you can see Justin standing right next to you.

Justin: “Nice, isn’t it?”

You: “Yeah, it is! I’ve never been to Berlin! And I never thought I would ever go there!”

Justin: “Haha, I see. So, I guess it is time now! I love the fresh air here. Although it is the capital and although there are more than a million people living here there is not that much smog. It’s amazing!”

He just grins at you and cannot do anything else but smiling too.

Justin: “Shit, can you please excuse me for a sec? I … uhm .. I have to do something!”

You: “Uhm, sure. Do whatever you want.”

You hope this did not sound that disappointed. You are disappointed, for sure, but you do not want him to recognize this. Maybe he really has to do something import. Look at youself. You are just an average girl. Why should he hang out with you?

After less than a minute Justin comes back.

Justin: “So, [your name]. I have just called the driver. He will bring the luggage up to the hotel we will stay in. So … let’s see. ….”

He looks down at his watch.

Justin: “We’ve got about three hours for us now. I decided to show you Berlin a little. Well, I suppose you want to see something. If you do not want to, it’s alright with me.”

You: “Don’t be so stupid! Of course I want!”

Justin: “Good to hear that! I’m gonna show ya my favorite places and sightseeing objects!”

Said and done. Justin Bieber is walking with you, an average fan, around Berlin. He is such a good leader, you have to admit. Spending time with him feels like nothing else you ever felt before. It’s different from everything and feeling so great! The time passes and you shoot some photos of all the sights Justin shows you, like Alexander Platz, Berliner Dom, Rotes Rathaus, Brandenburger Tor, Bundeskanzleramt, Checkpoint Charlie, Fernsehturm, Gedaechtniskirche, Gendarmenmarkt, Kurfürstendamm, Museumsinsel and Potsdamer Platz.

Justin: “Soo. I guess, that is enough for today. My stomach wants food!”

You: “Yeah, mine, too! Do you know any good restaurant here?”

Justin: “Course I do. Do you like Italian?”

You: “Yes! Love it!”

Justin: “Great. So, c’mon then and let’s go to the yummiest food you’ve ever tasted!”

OMG! Even hearing this out of his mouth makes the food delicious. You smile up to him. He is such a cute boy. You could hug him the whole day.

Together, hand in hand, Justin leads you to a small street. A Sign, which reads “Bella Italia” points to the end of the street. You only have to take a few steps and you can already smell some wonderful aromas.

You: “Wow, this smells sooo god!”

Justin: “And it even tastes better!”

Finally you reach the end and you see a smallish restaurant with a dark wooden door. Justin opens it and wants you to enter first. He is still such a gentleman. It is very warm inside and you guess it is probably because of the big stony stove there you can see a lot of pizzas lying inside.

Justin chooses his favorite place in the guestroom. A little aside of all the people. Red candles have been placed on the white tablecloth. And you sit down on a dark brown chair.

You: “This is so awesome. Thanks for showing me this and thanks for the sightseeing. I really loved it. Must be amazing to have one almost every day.”

Justin: “Welcome. It’s not that easy. The whole day I have to work. School about 5 hours and then training and rehearsals for the show. It’s hard, but you’ll see it soon enough.”

You: “Oh. I’m sorry.”

Justin: “No. It’s quite okay.”

Then the waiter appears. You think you are able to choose a pizza, but Justin ordered before you were able to say anything.

Justin: “Hi, can we please have a family margarita pizza?”

Waiter: “Good choice. What will you have to drink?”

Justin: “Uhm, a young and not that intensivee Chianti, please.”

Waiter: “Great. Is that all you want?”

Justin: “Yeah, I guess this is enough. Thanks.”

With that the waiter nods and walks away again. First you eyeball Justin and then you ask …

You: “What is Chianti?”

Justin: “A sweet red wine. You’ll love it!”

You: “Wine? Ohw. Uhm. I’ve never tasted wine.”

Justin: “You are old enough to drink one.”

You: “Ok. If you say so.”

Justin: “I do.”

He smiles at you, again. Why the hell is he always smiling at you? This kid is really weird. But anyway you love his smile and you don’t mind seeing it.

You: “I hope you don’t mind asking, but what about Selena? Is she ok with the OLLG thingy?”

Justin looks pretty shocked for a moment.

Justin: “Oh man. I knew that you would ask this. She really hates it. But she’s that close to me and I need some space for myself and my fans. You know some fans got mad at me, cuz they think I love her more than them. But this is not true. I love my fans more, but please don’t tell anyone, k?”

You: “I’d never do this.”

Justin: “Great. … I hope so.”

... to be continued ...

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Aye, reader (: Hope you enjoyed reading this new chapter. I am so grateful for all your lovely comments and votes on the last chapter. You rock! Thank you so much. I try to upload the next part as soon as possible. I hate it to see y'all wating for an update :D So ... if you like this part please vote for it or even add it to your library and comment what you think about this story so far. It really helps me to continue writing. Thanks.

xoxo Phil

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