The deal

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Hours are passing and Justin asks you  almost everything you can ask in a small talk.

Justin: “I’ve got one last question!”

You: “Okay!”

Justin: “What do your parents think of all this? Do they support you?”

That was the question you have been afraid of the whole time.

Ashamed you look down the floor until you unexpectedly feel a hand on your chin. Justin is lifting your head slightly up. He moves to you very close so that you can feel his breath on your face. As you look up again you directly glance into his so wonderful eyes and it feels like he is looking into your soul. You could start crying and laughing right away and you would love to kiss him right now. Never in your life have you felt something like this. Your brain is going crazy.

Justin: ;”Please tell me, [your name]!”

You are not able to fool this angelic guy.

You are not able to lie to this flawless angel.

You: “Actually. … The thing is … I … I’m grounded. …”

Justin doesn’t react to your answer, but still looks at you.

You: “I … I had a blackout at the quiz and I thought I failed it. And I thought my life is over because there’s not another chance to be your OLLG. And …”

Your eyes are filled with tears. Justin still keeps looking at you.

You: “I haven’t done any homework and I neither haven’t learned for the last two weeks. And thus my marks are bad now. My mom …. She was so angry that she grounded me yesterday. … But …  I … I wanted to meet you so much. … And … “

You start crying

You:“ I … I love you so much. I … I fooled my dad … and … and my mom is not at home because … because she is working on her career now. … And …”

Justin: “Shhh.”

He puts a finger on your lips, which are wet because of your tears.

Justin: “I understand. But you know it’s not right to fool people, especially your own parents!”

You nod, still crying. As soon as you can hear his voice you always feel better. He must be some kind of a magician.

Justin: “Thanks you told me the truth.”

He smiles at you warmly.

Justin: “What is your phone number? I mean, what is your phone number from your home!?”

You: “Um … It’s [your phone number]”

Justin: “Thank you.”

He takes out his iPhone, which he must have placed on the desk before and dials a number.

You: “What are you doing?”

Justin: “I’m calling your dad!”

You: “What? Do you wanna kill me?”

Justin: “Shh!”

The boy looks angry now. Is he fucking joking? Did you, or did you not just tell him the truth that you fooled your parents and that you are grounded? What kind of boy is he? You thought he is flawless an adorable. But now you recognize this is not the truth. You cannot believe he is such an asshole.

Justin: “Hi, Justin Bieber speaking here. I guess you are Mr [your surname]?”

Justin: “Great. Why I am calling? Your daughter is sitting right next to me.”

Justin: “She told me everything. I know what happened. I’ll bring her back right now.”

You cry out loud.

Justin: “Sorry, Shawty. But this is important!”

You do not say any word. Well, you are not able to say anything.

Every girl would have been happy to get driven home with Justin Bieber, especially in a limo. But not you, not right now. 

Minutes later the limo arrives. Justin himself opens the car door for you so you easily can leave the limo. Your dad is already waiting at the door of your house. Angry you walk towards your house and Justin is following.

Dad: “Thank you boy! You are such a great guy. Mother’s will love you!”

Justin smiles.

Justin: “I have to admit something else!”

You look up to your dad and then to Justin.

Dad: “And what?”

“[Your name] was the first girl I’ve met today. And I cancelled all my other meetings. I guess no one would be better to be my OLLG for 7 concerts.”

With the last words Justin gives you a kiss on your left cheek. Your eyes widen, you cannot breathe and then you collapse.

You open your eyes and your head feels very heavy. Obviously you are laying in your bed. It takes you some time until you can see everything clear again. Your parents are looking down at you. They do not seem angry, but this would change soon you think. Also there is another person in this room. A 17-year-old boy. He is just grinning.

You get up.

Dad: “Dear, how are you doing?”

You: "I guess I’m fine."

You do not look at him at all. Your eyes are locked in the eyes of the hot looking boy.

Then the boy steps towards you, leans down and gives you a kiss on your forehead.

Justin: "Nice to meet you, [your name]. Ttyl. Bye!"

Without saying any other word he leaves then.

Mom: "Soo young kid!"

You: "I'm so sorry mom, but you see I won!"

Mom: "There's no time for excuse! I'm very disappointed of you. You promised to prepare your report. I guess I’m not able to trust you ever again. I'd love to ground you for a year! ..."

You looked shocked up to her. She wouldn't do this, would she? This would be the end of everything you believe in.

You: "...but..."

Your mother continues…

Mom: "I talked to Justin for hours and your dad did, too. Justin wanted to leave you back here because he thinks that family is more important than a title or a role on a concert, but your dad did not  allow that. So we all, your dad, Justin and I decided for another way. I hope it was right that you told me there is another test waiting for you in the next week. Well, if you get an A or a B you are allowed to join JB on his concerts to be the OLLG. If not, you get grounded for one year. No computer, no mobile phone, no TV, no sweets, and especially no Justin Bieber! Got it?"

You nod. ... and nod ... and nod like you are in a trance.

You: "I .. I promise!"

Again you lean back in your bed. The meeting with JB was so amazing. There isn't a chance you can get back into your normal life ever again. Everything has changed. You are famous for being the girl Justin has chosen for the OLLG.

Dad: "We gotta go now!"

While thinking all this you do not realize that your parents say goodbye and leave you.


... to be continued ...

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Aye, there (: Now, are you shocked? Feeling fucking awesome? Spit out what's on your mind. Would so like to see what you think about it. Thanks for reading anyway and I wouldn't mind if you vote for this chapter ;) or even add this story to your library. 

xoxo Phil

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