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Two days have passed since you wrote the maths exam. You told your parents that you are really positive you wrote a good mark, but the more time passes the more you believe you did too many mistakes. It is your end if you do not pass this test.

Today is the third day after the test and Ms Miller tells you she did correct it and will give it back to you now. Your eyes widen and you just sit there on your chair not moving at all. This is the moment!

Teacher: “Listen guys! One person in this room wrote an A in this test. And …”

She looks directly into you. Does this have to mean anything? “Do not freak out” you say to yourself. There is still the possibility you failed.

Teacher: “… I told both of the parents and they told me that I can announce somthing, which will probably make her happy. Yes, you heard right, it’s a female student!”

She still looks at you and then she smiles. That has to mean something, right? You are concerned. She is looking too often into your direction. Maybe she is worried because you failed!?

Teacher: “[Your name]?”

You gulp loudly.

You: “Yeah?”

Teacher: “You. … you are this student. Congratulation to the A and of course to your long journey, which is waiting for you.”

She walks towards you and gives you your test papers.

You smile like you’ve never smiled before.

Mate: “What journey?”

Teacher: “Oh, you don’t know it? [Your name] will be the next OLLG of Justin Bieber for 7 concerts, wherever she wants.”

All the girls in your class (about 90%) start screaming and seconds later you are surrounded by all of them. No way is the teacher able to teach you anything right now. She just stands there with a smile on her face. She seems really proud and nods towards you.

Wow. You never believed to write such a good mark in a test in MATHS! This is so biebertastic. Talking about Bieber. You did it! Now you are officially the OLLG … of Justin Drew Bieber, a Canadian boy from a small town.

NOW you are a big step closer.

Teacher: “[Your name]?”

You: “Yeah!?”

Teacher: “I am sure the principal would not mind if you go home right now, because you are feeling so sick.”

She winks at you. Gosh. You love you teacher.

You: “OMB! Are you joking?”

Teacher: “No. Go, [your name]! Go! And tell your parents!”

With a big grin you pack your bag and run out the class. No matter what the other girls are thinking about you. This is your day and you have to share it with your parents.

You cannot wait to call your mom and dad. It is 10am when you are arriving at home. You put the exam on the dinner table so everyone has to look at it when entering the room.

Seconds later, after you have thrown your jacket on the floor you call your mom at first.

Mom: “…Good Morning, who am I speaking to?”

You: “Hi, mom it’s me!”

Mom: “What the hell happened again?”

You: “Nothing mom. Everything’s okay. Way ok. I’m at home now …”

Mom: “You are at home? Why? Are you sick?”

You: “No, I’m fine. Well, I have kind of a bellyache, but I’m fine. Promise. The teacher told me the principal would not mind if I go home because of my sickness.”

Mom: “She did what?? Are you joking? So what’s then?”

You: “No I am not joking. The teacher gave us back our exams.”

Mom: “So what?”

You: “Ms Miller said she already talked to you, is this true?”

Mom: “Who?”

You: “My maths teacher!”

Mom: “Umm, no sweetheart. Not me, maybe she talked to your dad!”

You: “Nope. She said she talked to both of you.”

Mom: “Does she think she is funny, or what?”

You: “Uhm, no?”

Mom: “Well, why is she saying this? I pay her a visit”

You: “No. Don’t you get it, mom? I believe another person called her. A boy … “

Mom: “What are you thinking again? And what mark did you get?”

You: “I guess JB called her and …”

Mom: “Which mark, honey?”

You: “An –A – , mom! I GOT AN A!”

Mom: “What? Really. Aww, you made my day. Lucky you. How does it feel?”

You: “Sooo amazing. Now I’m the OLLG!”

Mom: “Yes, you are kid. You are, as promised.”

Your mom starts crying

You: “Don’t cry mom. Just be honest please. And I’d hang up to tell daddy!”

Mom: “You should. Love you!”

You: “Luv ya. Bye!”

And you hang up the phone.

After the call with your daddy you smile again. He also said that Ms Miller did not call him. He had know idea that you get the test back today. This is really strange but assures you even more that it was Justin who called you teacher once and that Ms Miller called Justin to tell him which mark you get. This boy is … unbeliebable. You grin even more.

If he wants to play a game you should let him play a game. So what would you have done, if you hadn’t known your mark. … “Telling him!” you think. This is it. You would tell him, of course.

Thus you run upstairs into your room again and sit down your computer.

 Minutes later you tweet: “I’m the OLLG girls!”

and you direct message JB himself “Hey Biebz. I got an A. So I’m your girl now!”

And by surprise, seconds later you get a message back. “Hey [your name]. I’m soo happy for ya. Can’t waitta see ya again. Call ya t’morrow, please look concerts ya wanna stay with me. Luv JB”

and again seconds later Justin tweets on his account:

“I’ve just found my OLLG. I’m sorry girls, but she’s soo awesome. You’ll love her!

This makes you cry, a lot. Now you start walking up the trail of “one step closer to forever”, which probably makes you to the happiest person in the world at this moment. And you know that you’ll never forget it and that other girls will remember this day as well.

... to be continued ...

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 Aye, reader :) Hope you enjoyed reading this part. I just want to say thank you to all of you who have read this story, yet. I am so so sooo grateful. And a special thanks to those who voted. Thank you for all your support and your lovely comments. Hope I'm gonna see some more in the future :) 

xoxo Phil

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