Strange teacher

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Now it is time to choose a direction. Either the probably way of fame and love or the way of hard work and possible unhappiness. Actually it is easy to say what you want to achieve in your life, but the trail which directly lies in front of you might not be as easy as it looks like. Your heart and just your heart tells you that there is no chance you can be persuaded to walk on the other path, to walk in a different direction. You want love and you want fame, for sure and the most important thing is you want to be right next to Justin Bieber, your idol. So … you have chosen.

 Until yet you have not told anybody what happened. You have not told anybody that you would be the OLLG! Well, of course your mom and your dad know, but that does not really count in your eyes. Actually you want to scream it out loud so the whole world knows what it is which makes you so enthusiastic. But you guess it is better to keep this as a secret. Only god knows if you can really work it out to meet Justin Bieber because before that you have to acquit yourself of a task.

Means you promised your parents and Justin to learn for the next test you will write at school. This is your last chance to be the OLLG. And as promised you are working. You designed kind of a time table for your free time after school. It reads when it is time to learn, when to do your homework and even when you are allowed to eat and when you can listen to your music and etc.

At a Sunday morning, when you are checking your mails you recognize a message from your twitter account. You open it and the mail says: “Justin Bieber is following you now on twitter”.

No, you are totally not excited. You have gotten thousands of these messages for times and like every time you open the twitter account to look whether it is him or not you have to admit it is not him. But never say never, right? So you look down at the profile picture. JB is playing his guitar in front of the Avon theatre wearing a yellow shirt. That looks good. Now you check the info. Following: 110,234 people. Follower: 8,001,234 people.


You get up from your chair and jump around your room like nuts. Another dream just came true and once again you come one step closer to his world.

Since 2009 you are a true Belieber and since 2009 you try to get noticed by him on twitter and now …. Now he is following you. This is probably one of the best days in your life, for sure!

Quickly you come back to life again and send a direct message to your idol.

“OMB! Can’t believe you follow me now on twitter, juju. I love you soo much

There is still this grin on your face. Just unbelievable. Your heart beats faster than normal. And you have to admit you like this feeling. You want more! Justin is your favourite drug!

As you want to continue checking your mails you get alarmed that you got a new message on twitter. You check it. Obviously Justin replied. It says:

“Hey, shawty. Thought u are learnin for the test. Don’t waste ya time on here. Learn! I want u! Good luck for tmorrow. Love ya too!”

OMG! He is right. You lost a lot of time already by checking your mails. The present is still here and you are not allowed to do other things but learning right now. The maths exam is tomorrow.

Of course you had learned. Well, you learned for the first time in your life … You feel great, but you are still afraid to get a C, D or even a worse mark. That would be your end like a sentence to death. Today hours pass like seconds and you prepare every single task from your school books just to assure you are ready. At the end of the day your brain hurts like it did never before. It is 7 pm and you feel like dying. Totally pooped you turn in.

At exactly 6 am the alarm clock rings. Yep, you got a new alarm clock ;) Well, your dad gave his to you because he does not need one to get up. So.

You are feeling very happy, but there is still this fear in you.

And 12 hours after you turned in you are already sitting in the bus to school. Some of your girls try to talk to you, but you do not pay attention to them. Later there will be still enough time to tell them how you are doing.


The bus arrives at school.


You enter the classroom.

Your heart starts beating faster. You are so excited. Maths is in first lesson so you fortunately do not have to wait that long until you can write down what you learned. You sit down your seat in front of the desk of the teacher. Actually you do not like to sit in that place, directly there where the teacher is standing so he recognizes everything you are doing. But at the first day of school this year you came late because you missed the first bus and that was the very last place left in the class room. So this is the story.


Ten minutes till the exam.


You start sweating. Guy’s around are staring at you because they have not any idea why you do not talk to them or do anything like homework or preparing for the lesson. They have no idea why you act like this.

Ann asks: “Hey [your name], sup? You look like you will die the next second!”

You: “Oh .. I am just … a little bit ill. I just wanna write this test and then I’ll go home, ya know.”

She looks like she knows that you lied to her. But obviously she got that you want be alone in this moment. Thank god.

8:00 am.

The warning bell rings and the teacher comes in.

Teacher: “Morning students!”

Students: “Morning Ms Miller!”

Teacher: “Ready for the exam? It is way easy. I know you can work this out. Good luck! I’ll give you one hour for doing this.”

That is all she said to all of the students. And a few seconds later you get your sheets.


You did most of the exercises but there are still some you have no idea what to do. You are in panic! Your body starts shaking and you are almost in the mood of crying because of your fear not to get an A or B.


Your ink runs out.

You: “Damn!” Ms Miller is looking at you angrily.

You: “Sorry my ink ran out!”

She nods at you, stands up and gives you a new cartridge. Then she whispers:

Teacher: “Your Mom and Dad told me how lucky you are. I know you can answer all the questions. I believe in you [your name]. Never Say Never!”

She winks and then she sits down on her chair again.

Your mouth opens in shock. Did she really just say that to you or are you already nuts? You look one last time to her and she smiles at you. You are way surprised, but then you feel a strength again in your body. You look again at the exercises you weren’t able to answer and by surprise you know now. From now on this teacher is your favourite one and you believe that it wasn’t your parents who talked to her.


The time is over. You excuse yourself and go home. Maybe your mom would not like this but this was the right choice for long. You are sure about that decision.

 ... to be continued ...

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Aye, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading this part. Trying to update as soon as possible. I am so grateful for all your votes and lovely comments. They always make me smile :) Thanks. And if you liked this chapter, then please vote and comment again :D 

xoxo Phil

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