Chapter 24: Welcome Home

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It’s been a whole month since I’ve seen my home. I couldn’t wait to see it. I’ve missed it so much. I felt the wind blow on my face as we drove down my street and pulled up in my driveway. I felt a hand come on top of mine. I looked up at Justin’s worried face.

“Are you ready for this? If your not I can take you somewhere, anywhere you want. We can just leave…” He rambled on.

“Justy. I’ll be fine. I promise. I have you by my side, how can I not be fine?” I asked giving him a warm smile. He slowly returned my smile and squeezed my hand before walking out the car and coming around to open my door. Right as I got out of the car and closed the door behind be, Jess pulled up with Devin. I heard doors open and close. And I turned to look behind me. It was like everything was moving in slow motion when we looked at each other. It was the picture perfect scene. Something you could pull straight out of a movie. Just as I turned around the wind blew the hair out of my face. He slowly turned and caught me looking at him. Our eyes locked with each other’s before we both broke the moment and turned away. I slowly walked up to the door. I looked at it not knowing what to expect when I walked back in. I stood there for so long that Devin and Jess caught up with me. Devin and I reached for the knob at the same time and our fingers touched. A bolt of electricity coursed through my fingers into my body causing me to pull away. Devin continued and pushed the door open. Nothing shocked me more than the sight that was in front of me right now.

“Welcome Home!” A group of people yelled as confetti and other stuff was poured on us. I looked up at Devin and he gave me an encouraging smile before we were both pulled off by different groups of people.

“My baby!” My mom said in tears.

“Mommy.” I whispered before she pulled me into a tight hug. I was in a little pain, but I sucked it up and hugged my mom back with all the strength I could muster up. After about 5 minutes of hugging she pulled out and gave my dad a chance to hug me.

“Daddy.” I said happily before throwing myself at him. He hugged me back a little more gently while rubbing my back. He didn’t have to say anything like, ‘I’m glad your back’ or ‘I’ve missed you’ because actions are better than words any day. This action was making me feel more loved than any words could. I inhaled deeply and tears started forming at my eyes. I pulled out and looked at the both of them.

“My baby. Are you ok, honey?” My mom asked cupping my face.

“I am now.” I said smiling, letting a couple tears fall down my face. She returned my smile and let a couple of tears fall down her face as well.

“We missed you so much kiddo.” My dad said happily.

“I know. I missed you too.” I said letting more tears fall down my face.

“We love you.” My mom said grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

“I love you too.” I said smiling.

“We should probably stop crying now.” My mom said laughing. I nodded.

I walked away in search of my friends. Soon two familiar people were standing on either sides of me.

“I missed this.” I said leading them into the quiet kitchen.

“We missed you too.” Jess said smiling.

“Yea, like a lot.” Mel said grabbing my hand.

“You should talk to him.” Jess said.

“I agree.” Mel said nodding.

“I know I should talk to him. It was like I broke up with him over the phone and I feel horrible.” I said leaning my head back.

“Broke up with? I thought that was only to trick Emily.” Jess said.

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