Chapter 7: Initiation Party!

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to the person that helps me with all of my stories. She is the most amazing friend ever and I love her!!!! She supports my writing and we bounce ideas off of each other! Seriously go follow her or read her story. She is talented. :D Anyways enjoy the story.

I trudged downstairs, almost zombie like. I probably look like a zombie as well. As I expected, Devin was sitting on my clean kitchen counter, shirtless eating an apple.

"Good morning beautiful."

"I look awful."

"You look beautiful." I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his warm body. "Aww, is the baby tired?" I nodded my head to reply. He laughed. "You must be. You didn't comment on how I was sitting on your clean counter."

"About that, why do you insist on putting your dirty ass on my clean kitchen counter?"

"Fine, I'll get up." He hopped off and planted his butt in a chair. I smiled weakly.

"Thanks bubby." I don't know why that slipped out. It was the nickname I gave him when we were little. I looked at him and he had the biggest smile on his face. Bigger than any smile I've seen on him ever!

"Did you just call me what I think you called me?"

"Yes. Now if you smile any wider I think you're going to break your face." I couldn't help but smile at his smile. He tried to stop smiling but couldn't. He patted his lap telling me to come and sit down. I walked over to him and curled up in his lap. I buried my face in his chest. He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"I missed you jelly." His warm breath tickled my ear. A large smile made it's way to my face as he called me my childhood name. "A lot." He said rubbing my arm with one hand and gripping my thigh with the other. I felt shivers crawl up my body.

"We are friends Devin! You can't seduce me!"

"So I'm seducing you?" I didn't even have to look up to see the smirk on his face. I could hear it. I felt my cheeks blaze red. I stayed silent. He started rubbing my thigh. "Answer me, am I seducing you?" His arm got higher and he started nibbling at my ear.

"Mmm yes."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Mmm no." He positioned me so I was straddling over him. Then he pulled me to him. Our faces are now inches apart. He leaned up and kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back His tongue soon asked for entry into my mouth and I gladly accepted. Our tongues attacked each other in a fight of dominance. We broke the kiss only for a second, so he could remove my shirt. My legs wrapped around his waist, as he got up and put me on the kitchen counter to give us more room. He unhooked my bra and...

I woke up startled and sweating. The hell? Was about to have sex with Devin in my dream? Yes. I was. My cheeks were on fire. I walked to the bathroom and did the normal. Brush my teeth, wash my face, tie up my hair, blah blah blah. I walked downstairs heart still racing. I saw him, shirtless, on the counter, eating an apple, just like my dream, and well any other day.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Morning." I tired to hide my red cheeks from him and walk to the fridge.

"What's wrong?" He hopped off the counter and walked to me. He tuned me to face him.

"Nothing." I said quickly putting my head down.

"No, something's up." He lifted my chin up. Shit. He's going to know. "You're horny."

"How'd you know?"

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