Chapter 28: Beach Day!!

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I woke up in the comfort of someone’s arms. I already knew who it was. I opened my eyes and saw he was still sleeping. I smiled and poked his cheek.

“Devin.” I whispered. I got nothing. I poked his cheek again. “Devin.” I whispered. This time I got a groan. I poked his cheek again. “Devin.” I whispered.

“No.” He grumbled. I giggled before rolling on top of him and kissing up and down his neck. I said his name after each kissed. Soon I heard a moan escape his lips and saw his eyes flutter open.

“Mmm. I’m up. You can stop torturing me now.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked up at him.

“I wasn’t trying to torture you.” I said innocently.

“Mhmm. Sure you weren’t come on. Let’s get you home.” He said rolling me off of him before getting out of bed. I got on my knees and grabbed his hand.

“Can we not go home today? Can we stay here another night and just do something today?” I asked, more like pleaded. He smiled at me before bringing his face down to my level.

“Anything you want.” He said before pecking my lips.

“Yay!” I exclaimed before hugging him. He went into the bathroom. I fell back and smiled. When he got out of the bathroom we went downstairs.

“We’re staying another night. Thanks.” He said to the guy at the front desk before walking out the lobby into the parking lot. We hopped into his mustang and drove off.

“We should hit up a store first.” I said looking at him.

“Why?” He asked looking at me.

“Because I don’t want to stay in my Prom dress all day.” I said laughing.

“Oh yea.” He said joining my laughter. We drove to the closest clothes store. People started looking at us weird because of what we were wearing, and probably because they’ve seen us on the news or something.

“Babe. We should go to the beach.” I said dragging him to the swimwear area.

“It’s a perfect beach day babe.” He said before throwing his arm around my shoulder. We got a swimsuit and some other clothes, like an outfit to wear back from the beach, sleepwear, and an outfit to go home in. We got some beach towels, sunglasses, and sunscreen too. We cashed out and had to prevent ourselves from laughing at the way the cashier was looking at us. After we finished cashing out we changed into our swimwear and took the long drive to this secluded beach. We set up under and tree before sitting down. I lay in Devin’s lap and looked at the waves.

“This is beautiful.” I said in awe.

“Yea, it is. I’m going to miss it when we go to New York.” He said resting his chin on my head.

“Me too.” I whispered.

“These years have gone by too fast. And I only got to spend 2 of them with you.” He said quietly.

“I remembered the night we went to the Art Gallery opening.” I said smiling.

“Oh I was a complete idiot back then.” He said. I started thinking about that time…

"What the hell are you wearing?" I asked with anger in my voice. 

"Why are you angry?" Devin asked  

"You didn't answer my question! What the hell are you wearing?" I asked really angry.  

"I’m wearing jeans and a button up shirt,” he said  

"Exactly, now tell me where we are going!" I asked now furious 

"We're going to a gallery opening,” he answered I was about to punch him but if we didn't leave soon I would be late so I handed him a tux and said 

"Put this on"  

"What is it?" he asked  

"ARE YOU THAT FUCKING STUPID?" I calmed down a little "it's a tux"  

"Oh" he said  

"Please just go change we are going to be late" I said trying not to yell after he put on the tux I fixed his tie and he looked really, really, HOT wait what am I thinking Ew I cant believe I just thought that.

“I was a complete bitch back then!” I said think about it.

“You weren’t a bitch.” He said trying to protect my feelings.

“Yes I was, you don’t have to lie for me.” I said looking up at him.

“Let’s change the subject. Remember when we kissed and totally freaked out?” He asked laughing.

“Yea, it was after you got me Coco.” I said laughing…

"Thank you sooo much! I don’t know how I could ever repay you!" I said while giving him such a big hug we fell on the couch

"I could think of one way, but it’s a gift and you don’t repay gifts!" I looked in his eyes and kissed him! Wait what am I doing? I’m kissing Devin, that wrong, but it felt so right with his left hand wandering my back and his right hand running through my hair, as my hand was tugging gently at the ends of his hair, oh gosh now his tongue is in my mouth playing with mine, this is wrong! Me, Danielle Summers, should not be kissing him, Devin Hall, at all in her life ever! I pulled away so quickly I fell on the floor and crawled to the far side of the room and we sat there in silence for a couple minutes.

"That can’t happen again!" I said.

"I know, but Danielle you kissed me!" He replied.

"Yea I know, but you kissed back!" I exclaimed.

"I know! And this can never ever happen again!" He said nodding.

"Agreed! What if someone saw?" I asked…

“We vowed to never let it happen again, but it did happen again. Over and over again.” He said kissing my cheek.

“Yea, it was pretty exciting.” I said smiling.

“I kept thinking Justin was going to find out and beat the crap out of me.” He said laughing.

“He eventually did find out and was perfectly fine with it.” I said looking up at him.

“Yea, because he knew I was in love.” He said before pecking my lips.

“We had a lot of good memories.” I said snuggling closer to him.

“Yea, and we’re going to have a lot more good memories.” He said kissing my temple.

“Are you afraid?” I asked.

“Of what? Of graduating? Of the future? Of us?” He asked.

“All of the above.” I said quietly.

“I’m not afraid of graduating I just didn’t think it would come this fast. I always knew it was coming, but not so soon. I really loved it here, but now I know its time for me to leave. I’m not afraid of the future because I know, whatever is in store for me I can handle and will be able to handle. I’m not afraid of us because I know we are meant to be together forever.” He said holding onto me tighter.

“That’s what I needed to hear.” I said smiling. “Come on, let’s go swimming.” I said hopping up and dragging him into the ocean with me.

Almost there! Almost there. We're almost done! :') 

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