Chapter 27: Prom

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I took one last look in the mirror; my brunette hair cascaded down my back in bouncy curls. My crimson red strapless dress had jewels on the top part. The bottom part of the dress flowed outwards giving it a princess look. You couldn’t really see the red and silver shoes I had on because it was being cover by the dress. My face didn’t have much make up covering it. A simple cat’s eye, a light coating of mascara, and a thick layer of lip-gloss. I smiled in satisfaction before turning around.

“You guys ready?” I asked Mel, Jess, and Jas.

“Yup.” They said in unison before grabbing their purses. We walked out of the room and downstairs to our awaiting dates. I walked up to Devin who was smiling at me. As soon as I was close enough, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him.

“You look ravishing.” He whispered in my ear.

“Thanks.” I said smiling. “I’m glad you finally know what a tux is.” I said referring to the art gallery opening we went to together the day before I knew he was moving in.

“I’ve changed a lot since then Danielle.” He said smiling.

“I know. We’ve both changed a lot since then.” I said looking up at him.

“And I still love you.” He said rubbing his nose against mine before placing his lips on mine. We stayed like that for a minute before pulling out.

“And I still love you too.” I said before taking my thumb and wiping the lip-gloss off his lips. He laughed before taking my hand and placing the corsage on my wrist. “It’s beautiful.” I said looking at it.”

“Not as beautiful as you.” He said before taking my hand. Our group walked outside and got into separate cars. No one knew who was going to be doing what tonight. Devin took his mustang, but not before we took a thousand of unnecessary by my mom.  We drove to the hotel where they are holding our prom. We walked in and the first thing they did was direct us to the photo area. Devin and I took a picture then Mel, Jess, Jas and I took a picture. We then entered the real prom. Our theme was Fire and Ice. There was fake fire igniting from every corner of the room, Ice sculptures, crystal chandlers that seemed to be on fire, and other things that represented both fire and ice. It was beautiful. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was amazing.  One of our friends, Matt, cam up to us.

“Drink up, the punch has an extra kick this year.” He said winking before handing us some cups. We drank them down and I could immediately feel the buzz. I smiled and drank some more. That’s what Prom is about, getting drunk and having fun. I laughed as my friends dragged me onto the dance floor. I swayed to the beat of the music before I felt a familiar pair of hand wrap around my waist. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. Soon it was time to announce prom King and Queen.

“Alright people! Calm down, we are about to announce the prom court.” Jennifer, the president of student council, said. The crowd came to halt and silence filled the room.

“Ok, for Prom King we have… Devin Hall!” She announced. The crowd cheered and he went up on stage. He received his robe, crown, and scepter. “Is there anything you’d like to say?” Jennifer asked.

“Um. Thanks for voting for me guys. I’m not much of a talker, that’s a lie. I don’t like speaking in front of large crowds, but yea thanks.” He said shyly. I smiled at his shyness.

“Give it up for our Prom King!” Jennifer said happily and the crowd went wild again. “Now it’s time for Prom Queen. The Prom Queen for 2013 is Danielle Summers.” She said excited. I smiled and walked up on stage. I stood there and waited as the put on my sash, crown, and bouquet of flowers. “Is there anything you want to say?” Jennifer asked handing me the mike.

“Thanks for voting for me. This is an awesome welcome back and even better send off. I’m glad this is going to be the way I remember what’s supposed to be the best night of my high school life. Thanks again.” I said before giving her the mike back.

“Well it’s time for the Prom King and Queen’s special dance.” She said smiling. The song, ‘Nothing Like Us’, played. We rocked back and forth through the whole song as others watched us. Except it didn’t feel like anyone was watching us. It felt like we were the only two people in the world. Sometimes I wish we were the only people in the world.  

“The song’s right. There is nothing like us.” He whispered in my ear as we rocked back and forth.

“And I wouldn’t want it any other way.” I whispered back to him.  Soon enough the song was over and the festivities continued. After that we went to the punch and got wasted! I was dancing like there was no tomorrow. And as far as I knew, there was no tomorrow. If there was I didn’t care, the only thing I care about was right now, tonight.

“We’d like a hotel room.” Devin said to the person at the front desk.

“What kind of hotel room would you like?” He asked looking at the computer screen.

“The best one you got.” He replied throwing his arm over my shoulder.

“So you would like the presidential suite?” He asked eying us.

“Sure, why the hell not? I’m rich. I can afford it!” He exclaimed. “We’ll take it.”

“Ok, may I see your I.D and your credit card?” He asked waiting. Devin took out his Driver’s license and his credit card. The man took them and did some stuff.

“Ok, here are your keys. You’re in room 2416.” He said sliding us our keys.

“Thanks!” Devin said before taking the keys and leading me towards the elevator. We pressed the 24th floor button. We waited as it took us to the top. We got out and went in search of our room. We found it and opened the door. It was bigger than 3 of my rooms combined. I walked into the room as Devin closed the door behind us. I saw that there was a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice. I laughed.

“As if we need more alcohol.” I said picking it up and showing it to him.

“Hey, we can’t let a good bottle of champagne got to waste.” He said popping it open and taking a sip. I giggled. I saw some chocolate dipped strawberries on the table and grabbed them before hopping on the bed.

“Come join me love.” I said before picking up a strawberry and taking a bite.

“Coming my love.” He said smiling before joining me on the California king sized bed. He picked up a strawberry and bit it. “You hungry?” He asked looking at me.

“Starving.” I replied smiled.

“Good.” He said before rolling to the phone and ordering room service. He came back to be and smiled.

“They said it should be here soon.” He said nodding.

“Okay.” I said smiling.

“Did you have fun?” He asked grabbing my hand.

“Tonight was perfect.” I said before leaning over and kissing him.

Awwwwwwwww guys. We're almost done. Sad face. 

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