Chapter 18: Love and Loss

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I dropped to the floor tears being sealed in my eyes. Justin ran over to me and picked me up off the floor. He pulled me into a hug. I let myself cry into his chest. I heard him saying words, but I felt too numb to even think about listening to the words coming out of his mouth. Devin was dead. The love of my life had just died. He bled out in my arms. I’ll never be able to look at his smirking face ever again. I’ll never be able to kiss his lips ever again. I’ll never be able to get lost in his eyes again. I’ll never be able to hear his voice or feel his warmth ever again. He’s dead and he’s not coming back to me. I started thinking about the time back when we were 3 and…

“Dani. Will you marry me?” Bubby asked me holding out a ring pop.

“Oh Devin. Yes. I will.” I said before giving him a big hug.

“Yay. It’s strawberry. Your favorite.” He said looking me in the eyes.

“You know me so good.” I said smiling.

“Yea becwas I wuv you.” He said holding my hand.

“I wuv you too bubby.” I said happily.

“Let’s get married now.” Devin said.

“Ok.” I said smiling.

“I’ll be back.” He said before running off.. A little while later Devin came back with Jess, Justin, and Mel behind him.

“I-I got us real wedding rings. I made them out of those pipe thingies. I also got a priest, a best man, and a maid of honor.” He said smiling up at me. “Oh. And I got you flowers. Mommy said I could have them for the wedding.” He said blushing.

“It’s perfect.” I said smiling.

“I’m glad you think so.” He said.

“Ok peoples, we gots a wedding to do.” Jess said. We walked under the tree in his back yard, where Jess was standing.

“Ok so let’s start with the vowels. I think that when you say nice things about each other.” Jess said. I looked at Mel and Justin and they nodded.

“Ok. That should be easy.” Devin said. “Danielle. You are the most prettiest girl I have ever saw in my whole life. You make me all happy inside when I see you and you are the most important lady in my life, other than my mommy and little sis. I wuv you so much and I hope we stay married forever and ever.” He said looking at me. I smiled.

“Devin. You are the most cutest boy I know. You are smart, even though you don’t think so. And you make me happy. You’re the bestest best friend and soon to be husband ever. I wuv you so much and I hope we’re together forever.” I said smiling at him.

“Otay. So Devin Hall, do you take Danielle to be your wedded wife?” Jess asked Devin.

“I do.” Devin said.

“Danielle Summers, do you take Devin to be your wedded husband?” She asked.

“I do.” I said smiling.

“By The power in me, I call you husband and wife. Kiss her.” Jess said and Devin kissed my cheek.

Beep…Beep…Beep… I tore my red eyes opened releasing fresh tears. I looked up at the monitor. He’s alive. They saved him.

“Alright people, let’s get him over to surgery ASAP. Let’s go. We can’t let this kid die.” One of the doctors said. I saw them rush past me carrying him off to the ER. The same doctor that said that came up to me. “He’s stable. We’re going to surgery now.  He has serious internal bleeding. We’re trying to stop that and remove the bullet.” The doctor said.

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