Chapter 1

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Anaya's P.O.V
It's 3.00 a.m. Oh God! I had one of these nightmares again. Those dark days, how long will they keep haunting me?
"Woof woof!" My puppy Snoopy barked next to me.
"Hey Snoop, go back to sleep" I told him while petting his head, he snuggled closer to the covers.
I can't believe my life took such a turn when I was only seventeen!
Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Anaya Khan and I'm a dancer. To most persons this profession seem bad as a career choice, but to me, it's one of the best and I love my job, though the circumstances that led me to it. I'm only 20 and I'm one of the most successful dancer. I can't believe I achieved so much in only three years time.
I can't sleep, maybe too scared of dreaming about her again. I have my school classes tomorrow and then I have to go to Anborium (the dance school) to practice before the Night. It's not my first show but I don't know why I'm getting so stressed about it.
I shrugged all those thoughts out of my mind and went back to sleep. Wish me sweet dreams. Note sarcasm.

I woke up at 5 a.m and went for a thirty minute jogging, a dancer should keep her body fit.

After my jogging, I was back home and noticed my phone ringing. I took my iPhone6 S and looking at the callerI.D I was shocked and angry. It was my so called best friend.

A Dance with the Billionaire #JustWriteItWhere stories live. Discover now