Chapter 6 (unedited)

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James P.O.V
Anaya Khan, her name , her voice, her eyes, her figure with perfect curves and her brown hair. She is so perfect. That handshake revealed feeling which I never knew existed. I dated models and actresses, but I don't know why it seems that Anaya has a greater beauty.
When I left that hall, I still wanted to talk to her but as I entered the hall to talk to her, I saw her laughing with a guy. They looked to have fun. I felt my anger rising. I walked to of the campus and got in my car and called Rodger.
"Rodger, I want all the informations about Anaya Khan and I want it in less than ten minutes." I didn't wait for his reply and disconnected the call. I am too angry right now to control. After five minutes a mail from Rodger.

Name: Anaya Rose Khan
Address: 42, Charles street, Hornway, New York, America
D.O.B: 27 November 1995
Occupation: student at Campora in business
Work:Amborium as dancer.
Prior education: WallStreet high school
Mother: Christina Howard Khan (deceased)
Father: Nick Ayush Khan (deceased)

I feel sorry for Anaya hearing that her parents died. Her profession was a little problem to me. But right now the biggest problem was that guy with whom she was talking. I took my phone and dialed Rodger's number.
"Rodger, I need Anaya Khan's phone number and fast!"
Soon, I was emailed Anaya's number. Once I got her number I sent her a text saying not to meet that guy again but before that I checked if my phone was on private number so that she won't see the number and thank god it was.
Finally we were infront of Rollins&Co Cooperation. I went out of the car and entered the building it was nearly 4.00 p.m.

After work I went home, it was nearly 9.00 p.m. I was finally home. I walked straight to my room as I didn't saw Tejveer around. Once I was done shower, I checked my phone and saw a text message from Anaya. Well, looks like this girl has got guts. Anaya Khan, you are really something else.
Hey guys, Sorry it's a short update. I will try updating tonight and plz check my friend imcaptain profile. Her books are very nice. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.
Thank you and take care

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