Chapter 8(unedited)

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Anaya's P.O.V
A red Saree.
"Kiara, I will have to go to Madagascar. You will have to go stay with Neema." My dad told me walking in my room.
It's been three months since the divorce and I've been staying with my dad since then.

On the following day I went to Neema's house. She told me to stay in the guest room.
"Neema, my friend invited me to the mall. Can I go?" I asked her as soon as I got a text message from my friend Mia.
"Sure but be here before three." Neema told me and gave me a smile. She has always been nice to me.

After three hours, I was back home. I saw men decorating the house with flowers and lights. It looked like a wedding decoration.
As I entered the house, I saw Neema wearing a pink Saree, she had her hair done in a bun with flowers and she was wearing a jewelry set wich looked very heavy.
As she saw me, she hurried next to me.
"Oh dear, you are here! Come on get ready the groom will be coming in a half an hour." She told me stoking my hair. The groom? Who is getting married?
"Neema, who is getting married?" I asked her.
"You my darling." She said still stroking my hair. My eyes widened in shock.
"Are you out of your mind!? I can't get married I'm an underage!" I shouted. Is she out of her mind!? I'm only 17.
"Young girl, I don't like you talking to me in that tone. It's my final decision." She told me her hands on her hips. That psycho b*tch.
"I don't give a d*mn to your stupid f**king decision. I'm not getting married." I told her. I'm seriously not getting married, not now!
"I didn't ask you whether you liked it or not! I just telling you to get ready! Your opinion has no importance here!" She yelled at me. Did she just yell at me? No one ever dared doing so!
"You are just a psycho, a f**king psycho b*tch! I'm proud that my dad finally left you. You are just a pathetic excuse of a woman." She was fuming with rage and suddenly I felt a palm against my face.

End of Flashback.

"Kiara! Darling you look so pale." My dad said caressing my back. I felt my palms getting sweaty. The saree was still in my hands.
I turned around facing my dad.
"Having been crying? What happened that day? Is it what's bothering you?" I never told my dad what happened to me that day.
I only kept quiet because I didn't wanted to talk about it.
"Kaira, I'm asking you a last time. What happened that night?" My dad asked me trying his very best to stay calm. I still kept quiet.
"Kiara! Am talking to you!" He yelled at me.
"Dad, I'm not Kiara anymore. She was burned down in that fire!" I told him as tears started to form in the corner of my eyes threatening to fall.
"You can't deny it, you will remain Kiara no matter how many surgeries you will undergo. These surgeries will never erase your past. You can have a new face and start afresh with your life but you will never be able to change your past. You are Kiara. I might have changed your information and birth certificate but you are Kiara. Keeping everything to yourself will only make the wounds deeper, not cure them." My dad told me looking straight into my eyes.
He was right. No matter how much I try to ignore it, I'm Kiara Agniothri.
"Dad, I promise to tell you everything. At the right moment, not now. Please don't force me." I told him looking at him with pleading eyes. I really didn't want to tell him about that. I know what he can do when it comes to his daughter.
"I won't but somedays you will have to tell me." I told me and sigh. "I'll have to attend some calls. I will be in my room if you need me." He told me and took his laptop. I just nob.

After he left, I just kept staring at the saree. It's beautiful indeed but will I ever be able to wear it after what happened? I sigh and walk upstairs in my room.  Snoopy followed me. As soon as I was in my room I heard my phone ringing. I took it and saw that it was Andrew calling. I picked it up.
"Miss Khan, do you know who worried I was? You are not picking my calls! I've been calling you like fifty times and sent you twenty messages! I was about to come to your place and check on you." He told me emphasizing on the numbers. He can be so caring at times.
"Well, sorry mother. I was busy." I told him slightly laughing at his reaction.
"What kept you that busy? The President at your place?" He told me laughing at his own joke.
"Even better, my dad is back."
"Seriously James Bond is back home." He often say that my dad is James Bond cause he is never home so Andrew thinks that he is on mission.
"Yeah right." I told him as I rolled my eyes.
"Didn't tell you that it's unmannered to do this." He told faking a serious tone.
"Miss Khan, I know you way too much. You've been rolling your eyes." He told me and I could feel him smirking. Well, we are bestie for a reason.
"And I know you are smirking." We both started laughing.
"So what's up?" He asked
"My dad bought me a red saree and a jewelry set." I told him. Andrew paused for some minutes. I was about to say something when he finally spoke.
"So you haven't told him yet about you." He told me.
"No, he will kill that old witch if he comes to know about that." I immediately told him.
"Well this isn't what you want? Her End!" He told me emphasizing on the two last words.
"That what I want but it will be me who will be the one doing it, not him." I snapped back. That's true that I want Her End but I will be the one doing it not my dad. He has already done so much for me.
"Well darling, you should start planning your plan." He said and I smirked at his remark.
"I don't need a plan, I kept improvising all my life and see yourself. My life is not so bad." I said with a triumphing smile, it's true in life I never really need a plan, all I need is believing in whatever I'm doing and give my best.
"I believe you Yaya." He said and once again, I felt him smirking. I hate being called Yaya and he knows it. But he still like to make fun of me.
"Oh Tejveer, how sweet." I told him in a sarcastic tone. Tejveer is his second name but prefers to be called Andrew as it sounds more like an American. According to him of course.
"Shhh! If someone hears you my reputation is over." He said as I laughed at his reaction.
"Well, we are not in class so don't fear for your reputation. And talking about class. What happened to you? You left without telling anything. Were you on your periods?" I told he. Well, I know the last part is gonna get on his nerves.
"Haha very funny." He said sarcastically. "It was a phone call from my aunt saying that my grandma was sick so I had to hurry to her place and check on her." He told me. Andrew's parents died three years back and since then his grand parents had been taking care of him.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." I told him sincerely feeling sorry.
"Well, it's ok. Her blood pressure just got too high but now she is fine." He told me reassuring me. His grandma was a very nice person. I met her once at a restaurant during Andrew's birthday.
"Hey, I had something to tell you." I told him as I remembered the text of the anonymous sender.
"Spit it out baby."
Then I told him everything starting with the message I got after talking with Troy in the hall and ending with the message I got when I finished talking with Troy on the phone. I know I didn't open the text but I knew who it was from.
"Well, I have an idea. Why don't you reply his text and then we will know who he or she is." Andrew said. I acknowledge that it was not a bad idea and I wanted to know who he or she was.
"Sounds great bestie, I will do it right away. Thnks."
"Always welcome, got to go. See you tomorrow." He told me
"Ok. Goodnight" I told him and disconnected.

After completing some work, I took my phone and read the text.
'I told you not to talk to him.'
Oh dear, if you really think I'll listen to you.
Finally, I decided to reply it back.
'If you really think I'll listen to you then you are wrong. I do whatever I want.' I texted back.

I just sighed and went to bed. Snoopy was already asleep. I closed my eyes and thought about how long today was. Mr Rollins was so handsome. I opened my eyes and blushed. Anaya! Stop thinking about him. I scolded myself. With that I drifted into a deep sleep.

Hey guys. I hope you liked chapter 8. Thank you for all your views and votes. A pic of Snoopy on top. Plz vote, share and comment. Thank you and take care

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