Chapter 40 (unedited)

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James POV

Anaya has been weird since our arrival in Mumbai. She gives a lot to wonder about, the simple fact of having her on my thoughts captivates me to an unknown world. At times, I just want to read her mind and wipe her tears. But I somehow know from the dark experience I have, that some battles deserve to be fought by us and no one else. Some fights within ourselves don't need a better hero than us.

"Excuse me Sir, Mr Basu is waiting for you," his secretary said. I stood from my place and followed her to Anurag's office.

As much as this may sound boring, the financial world has a lot much more to offer than it looks, any investment may bounce back more than predicted. The fact that most people see mobility as a need more than a luxury makes investing on petrol more profitable than it seems. within that renewable sources will be developed. But all plan needs a beginning to build up. And despite being an easy part, it is the trickiest one.

"James, what a pleasure having you here! What a pleasure having you in Mumbai,"said Anurag, an old friend of mine who remembers the old me. Yet, I wish a lot didn't.

"Mr Basu, the pleasure is mine. I am here for Mr Sheikh's wedding," I replied after a handshake and taking a seat.

"Come on James, calling me Mr Basu makes me sound like my dad. I still have to find a girl. Don't make me feel so old!" Anurag joked. I chuckled to it but wanted to get back to business. If it was just before my dark days, God knows the bash that would be on as we meet.

"Sure. Let's get back to business. I want to take over Battacharya&Co but I desire your help for that," I then explained the whole plan to him.

"This sounds like a master plan but Battacharya&Co will never give up their standing," Anurag elaborated.

"You forgot their endless debts and the failing industry they are in. Their name is the only thing which keep them floating," I explained. The name created stands high due to hard-work of their founders.

The meeting was finally over after discussing strategy with Anurag. I wasback to the hotel and opened the door of the suite online to find a lost Anaya.

"Hey am back sweetheart," I said as I walked in.

She didn't respond, sitting on the couch and kept on staring in front of her. This looks like a scary movie scene.



"Anaya, you okay?" I said as I sat next to her, making her jump.

"Yeah, sorry." She said and to my surprise hugged me. My arms immediately found their way around her waist. To be honest, I was taken aback by this.

"You sure you are fine?" I asked as I cupped her face. In her eyes, I could see some unknown tension. The way her eyes starred into mine made me long to be looked at that way. They seem tensed but held more emotion than that.

"I'm fine. I am just happy you are back," she said and smiled.

"Really?" I asked shocked, this is true, since my parents left I always got back to my penthouse not having anyone to worry about how my day went or why I am back late.

"Of course I do, you are my boyfriend," Anaya said and placed her head on my shoulder.

My arms around her immediately tightened around her. I couldn't help it, for once that I have met someone after so long who makes feel cared about. Thinking of how uncertain a tomorrow is, I question slipped from my lips "to what extent would you go for me."

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