Chapter4 (unedited)

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Anaya's P.O.V
I was looking outside trying to see his face when Saakshi touched my shoulder.
"You know I have been calling you what are you starring at?" She asked looking at the window.
I was about to reply her when I saw Mr Simpson.
"Excuse me Sir. Is the hall free this evening? I need it for the meeting." I asked him getting to the point as he looked like being in a hurry.
"Yes sure, just check it with Mrs Adams." He replied quite in a hurry.
"Yes Sir, thank you." I smiled at him.
He only nob and walk away.
"Hey, what were you talking about with Simpson?" Saakshi asked me.
"Oh, nothing. Just if the hall is free for the meeting." I smiled at her. Saakshi is also a member of Ahalia.
"Well I'm hungry! Let's go grab something!" Saakshi said with pouting lips.
"Yes, let's go." I said and laughed at her face. She is so childish at times. She reminds me of the old me, but now I'm grown up, I had to.
We entered the canteen. Troy was sitting with all the football players and was having lunch. This group is one of the most famous in school. When you have lunch with the football team it's like having lunch with the Prime Minister. I know I'm exaggerating but he is the most famous boy here and his dad is an ex Prime Minister.
Today, I felt like eating some hamburger and chips. I really love junk foods even if I know that it's not good and all but still I crave for them. I sat next to all the Ahalia members. I was supposed to have lunch with Andrew but he isn't anywhere to be seen.
"Hey Anaya, I was thinking of a horror room for the Food&Fun day. What do you think?" Keshni asked me while eating her pizza.
"I think it's a wonderful idea but we will talk about later when Mrs Samantha will be here along with the other girls." I replied her with a smile.
"Ok, no probs." She said and continued eating.
Mrs Samantha is the teacher who is helping us with the event and she have to acknowledge all our ideas.
By the end of lunch, we were walking back to our classes when I stopped infront of the office and asked Mrs Adams whether the hall will be free around 2.30 p.m. She told me that it will be free but it should end before 4.00 p.m. I thanked her and walked out of her office. When I passed in front of Mr Simpson's office I saw two men dressed in black suits, they were wearing black sunglasses too. I guess they were bodyguards. The person inside should really be someone important.
I walked inside the class and sat at my usual place and to my great surprise Andrew wasn't there. He is really weird today, I wonder what's going on in his mind. I should send him a text later. The class started and Mr Jeffrey started copying the notes, gave us some works and homework.
The bell soon rang and I packed up my stuff and left the class. While walking to the hall, I saw that the bodyguards were still there. Something really important is going inside.
As I entered the hall, Mrs Samantha was already there with some of the girls. We are a group of 10 girls. There's Sarah, Keshni, Saakshi, Carys, Helen, Melina, Emma, Jake, Taruna and me. All those girls are awesome even Taruna is at times, when she wants.
"Good evening girls, how are you all? Well  Jake, Carys and Melina aren't here yet, lets wait for them, we will be starting in 5 minutes." I greeted them and started to take my laptop out. I had saved a few videos of attractions, they seemed great for the Food&Fun day.
"Anaya, how long will Jake take to get ready? He is more than a girl at times! Look Carys and Melina are already here!" Emma told me. Actually, Jake is a gay so it happens that he put some make up on and he takes all his time to get ready, like a bride.
I was about to say something when Jake entered.
"Someone talking about me? Well girls, Jake the great is here!" Jake said while smiling, -showing his perfect white teeth.
"Good evening Jake the great. Looks like  punctuality isn't part of your dictionary." I said raising my left eyebrow.
"Oh, Mrs the President I'm sorry. Try to understand me I have to look perfect when the football players will see me specially Troy." Jake said. Jake has a big crush on Troy. Whenever he sees him, he's like to make a scene just to get noticed.
After like one hour, we finally decided about some attractions namely: a horror fashion show, a horror room, tomorrow land and some other games which Carys and Keshni were in charge of. Jake was in charge of the fashion show and Melina and Emma of the models, the auditions for the models are starting tomorrow. Taruna and Saakshi are in charge of the foods and drinks. We were planning different kind of food both for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. There will also be some sports games and I'll have to ask Troy to help me out with it. A Bollywood show is also planned and Taruna and I will be in charge of it. Working with her will be hell, I just hope she corporates. Mrs Samantha should also make us know whether the night events will be approved by the Principal and the other staffs. There will be a dinner, fashion show during the night and a bid on the models. In this event only business men and billionaires would be there.
It was already 3.30 when I looked at my watch.
"Well girls, I think we are done. Most of the events are finalized. Mrs Samantha, please let us know when they will approve of disapprove. So the next meeting will be next week, you guys just let me know whether it's ok with you. That's all for now." I said and stood up the team followed me and did so.
We said goodbye to each other and were about to leave when suddenly the doors of the hall opened, eight men with black suits walked in along with Simpson. My eyes caught this Greek God he was like 6'2 feet, his jawline was simply perfect, he had dark brown hair and his eyes were so beautiful, they were brown with a greenish glint. I never saw such amazing eyes before. I noticed him staring too and I blush beet red, I looked down at my feet not wanting him to see me. When I looked up, I saw Taruna talking to him, maybe just trying to seduce him but his eyes were still on me. Once again I turned blushed crimson red. I noticed him walking towards me and I started feeling weird in my stomach. It's the first time I'm feeling this. He was already in front of me now. Oh God! It's like there are butterflies in my stomach. He is too hot!
'Anaya come on, you are not supposed to feel like that!' I mentally shouted to myself.
"Miss Khan, this is Mr Rollins. The owner of the campus." Mr Simpson said.
"Good evening Mr Rollins, I'm Anaya Khan." I said in a firm tone while giving him my hand for a hand shake and also not forgetting to give him a polite smile as he is the boss here.
"Mr Rollins, this is the president Ahalia. The group organizing the Food&Fun day." Mr Simpson said.
"Nice too meet you too Miss Khan." Mr Rollins said taking my hand in his. He held my hand tightly like not wanting to let go but still not hurting me. I could feel this feeling in my stomach again, it made me blush once again. He noticed me blushing and smirked at me which made me blush even more deeper. Why is he having this effect on me?!.
Soon Troy and the other players entered the hall. Which broke all those thoughts. I pulled my hand out of his grip. Damn it, I shouldn't feel like that, I'm not weak anymore. I didn't dare looking back at him, maybe scared to fall for him.
"Excuse me Mr Rollins, you have an important call." I looked up and saw that it was one of his bodyguards talking to him.
"Give me two minutes." Mr Rollins said. "Miss Khan, it was a pleasure meeting you, I hope to see you soon." He said looking at me.
"Good bye sir." I said with a smile.
He just looked at me and nob then left. I found it a bit rude but I think it's better that way.
I turned around and took my stuff, ready to leave when I saw Troy. It reminded me that I had to ask him about the Sports game.
I walked to him and as he noticed me he started walking in my direction.
"Hi Anaya, you look cute in this attire." Troy said looking at me and smiling. I blushed a little.
"Hi, thank you." I said with a little smile.
"So what's up?" He asked me
"I needed to ask you whether you will be able to help me in planning some sports games for next month." I asked him.
"I don't know. I mean I would love to but dad has his electoral campaign and I have to help him with it. I'm not sure." He said in an apologetic tone.
"Come on, pleaseeee." I said giving him a puppy face look.
"Ok ok, let's meet at the Henvenium restaurant tomorrow night at 6, is it ok?" He asked me giving me a sweet smile.
"Sure it would be perfect." I said and returned him a smile.
"So I'll pick you up at 5.30. Is that ok?" He asked me, why would he pick me up?
"Troy, you don't have to. I can drive there. No need to worry." I told him as I really didn't want him to think I want to go on a date with he.
He looked puzzled about what I said and finally spoke. "Sure I'm sorry, it's just that all the other girls ask me on date so I just. Well sorry, I forgot you are Anaya the untouchable." His last sentence made me laugh and he soon joined me.
"Oh please Troy! I'm not that untouchable." I said still laughing.
"Trust me Anaya, you are." He said but he stopped laughing, he was more like serious.
"Siffer! Are you done flirting?" Mr Raal, the coach called him.
Troy turned around and said "Yeah oldie, coming." Then he turned back to me. I was laughing as nobody dared saying such a thing to him. He his smiled at me and said. "See you later sweetheart." He winked at me and left.

I was walking in the parking to my car, when I got an sms. I took out my phone and checked.
'I don't want to see you near him'
Hey lovelies,
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