Chapter 32(unedited)

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Anaya' P.O.V

"Hello Antoine, may I know what's going on?" I asked as soon as he picked the call.
"I'm sorry Anaya, I had to do it. The directors did mention about the social media thing last time, they were mad that you didn't join it yet. Anaya, trust me, I didn't have any other option. You were unreachable last night and your job and position were at stake!" Antoine explained. 'He did it as cared.' My inner made me understand.
"Thank you." I sighed. "I understand why you did it Antoine. Just give me the passwords and all, I'll manage everything as from now."
"Sure. Do update it daily!" He highlighted.
"Yeah, I know." I said and after a couple of chats, I disconnected the call.

As I placed the phone down, I saw James' intense look which was on me the whole time.
"So, that guy, Antoine, created the account." James said. He followed the whole convo?!
"Yeah, he's kind of the professor who initiated me to dancing and he is the one to whom I owe my successful career. I had to create that account as per what the bosses said and as I didn't, my job and status was at stake. So for me not to get into trouble, he did it." I explained. What the f**k?! Did I just explained the whole situation, knowing myself, I would have only asked him to drop it. But I just related him the whole thing!
He only nodded. Maybe because there was not much to say about that.
"So, it's been how long since you started dancing?" James asked.
"Three years." I replied with my eyes still glued on the television screen.

Before he could ask anything else, a doctor walked inside the room.
"Miss Khan, after a few tests, we concluded that you can get discharged by tomorrow." The doctor stated and after that he left. He also checked my injections and if the medication in the hospital drip was okay.
"You've been in business for how many years?" I asked at my turn.
"For the past four years." He replied. "Why did you start dancing?" He asked.
I didn't knew what to do. Tell him the truth or lie to him. Lying about my career and last became more than a habit for me now. Don't get me wrong, but if ever I had to admit the truth about the real reason why I started, the conversation would literally take another hectic turn.
"It has always been my passion and since the death of my parents, I decided to make it my career." I said simply. "And why did you choose being a C.E.O?" I asked.
"Since my dad died, I had to take over." He replied back not making any eye contact.
"Oh." I said, not wanting to continue the conversation as he wasn't comfortable.

A few minutes later, a nurse walked in with a tray of food which she placed on the overbed table. I wonder where Himanshu is. He promised me to be back for lunch.
"Excuse me, where is Doctor Tyagi?" I asked the nurse.
"He is busy with a surgery right now. Are you okay? Do you want me to call another doctor?" She replied in a polite tone.
"No thank you. I'm fine." I said as she left.
I was still trying to figure out how to eat that meal when suddenly, James started removing the covers of the container. I stared at him, astonished by his actions.
"It's okay, I can manage." I told him.
"You know that medicines should not be taken on an empty stomach, right?" He said as he gave me a forkful of macaroni. I nodded and ate. When a question popped in my head.
"James, aren't you hungry?" I asked as I took the fork from his hand and gave him too a forkful of macaroni.
"I didn't had the time to reply, you know that." He said playfully as he ate.
"I guess you were." I said and smiled.
The meal went on in the same pleasant atmosphere we kept on talking and eating.
"God, I'm full!" I exclaimed as I lay on the bed.
"You still have that yoghurt to eat." He said.
"Yuck! Never in a lifetime."I protested. He chuckled.

The evening went on in the same mood. He later left as I literally shooed him out. This incident gave the opportunity of getting to know James for a whole new point of view. He wasn't that rude but in fact caring. I just can't understand what to do. I can figure out the whole new turn of that sudden new James but part of me is still scared for some unknowing reasons. With those thoughts, I turned around grabbing the teddy bear before engulfing in a deep sleep. It's been years since I last slept with one.

A Dance with the Billionaire #JustWriteItWhere stories live. Discover now