Tear Stained Hoodie ~ Chapter 3

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(This is a few weeks after the last chapter, sorry!)

Your POV

"Gah! I am so frustrated!" Laurence groaned. I laughed at him. We were doing our first science project of the year, at my house. "Dude, you are so bad at this!" I laughed. He glared at me, but cracked a smile. "You're pathetic!" I joked. We were doing the classic volcano, and he just couldn't get the hang of the paper mache. "You try!" He said, pointing at the soon-to-be volcano. I took some glue and paper and did a few pieces. "Well, you are better at it then the average person!" He said. "That's because, where I come from, average doesn't exist!" I giggled. I'm not gonna lie, Laurence has really raised me out of the dumps. But.. I still have a lot of questions about Garroth, and Laurence is no help.

"Uh, (f/n)?" Laurence asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Uh.. oh! Sorry!" I said quickly. "Oooookay..?" He said, continuing the volcano. "Where does Garroth live?" I ask out of the blue. Laurence rolled his eyes, "Why do you even care?" "Because, he.. he saved my life." I said quietly. "The night we met.." I added. "From... what?" He asked. I don't want to tell him. I won't. "Myself." I said, my eyes finding the floor. We stayed silent for a while.

"Look... (f/n)" Laurence said, his hand wrapping around my wrist. I looked at him. "W-Will... Will you go on a.. a date with me?" He said nervously. "U-Um..." You know what? Screw it. I smile. "Yes. When?" I said. He looked at me with shock, but the expression quickly changed to a happy one. "Tomorrow. At 6:00. Um, I better go. I'll see you then." He said before skipping joyfully out of my apartment. I smiled to myself thinking about how I had a date.


I arrived home from school. Now, I need a dress. Eh, no I don't. Do I? IS IT FORMAL?! I called Laurence up. "Y'ello?" He answered. "Is it formal?" I asked. He chuckled. "No, wear whatever you want." He said. His voice was kinda muffled from the speaker. "Okay!" I replied before hanging up. I went to my room and picked out a (f/c) strapless top and denim shorts, and stepped into my (f/c) shoes. Now... makeup and hair. I walked into the bathroom and put my hair up into a (f/h) <-- (Favorite Hairstyle). I don't usually wear make-up, so if I look awful that is why. I put on some beige eye shadow and eyeliner. I also put some light pink lip gloss on. That should do it. I was interrupted by a knock. Who would be knocking? It's only 5...

I answer the door. "G-Garroth?" I ask, shocked to see a familiar blondie. "Wow, you look.. beautiful." He said, his eyes scanning me. I blushed. "Heh, thanks." He mumbled something under his breath, but I couldn't hear it. "What was that?" I asked. "Nothing. What are you all dressed up for?" He asked. Oh shoot! I gotta let him in! "Oh, uh, come inside!" I gestured inside. He looked hesitant, but stepped in. He sat on the couch. "Well, I was getting ready for a date." I said. "A date? With who, if you don't mind me asking?" He questioned. "Laurence. I um.. I wanted to thank you." I said quietly. "For?" He asked. "Don't act like you don't know!" I said, playfully nudging him. He rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. For what?" He repeated. "For saving my life." I said. He slightly smiled. "It was no problem." "Wow." I said mockingly. "What?" He asked, his brows furrowed. "You have the ability to smile, and talk!" I joked. He rolled his eyes again, and chuckled. "OMG and laugh! I think I broke him!" I giggled. "I should go now." he said. My smile became a frown. "Why?" "Because. You have a date, don't you?" He said. "Fine. Stop by again, okay? I have some interrogating to do!" I joked. "You probably should say you are going to interrogate me before you do, but okay." He joked. "Bye!" I said. "You too." He said before leaving.

Shortly after Garroth left, Laurence knocked. I answered and smile. "Wow, you look pretty!" He exclaimed. "Why so surprised?" I joked. "Shall we?" He asked. I smiled. "We shall." We linked arms and began heading off. "So, where are we going?" I said with a perky tone of voice. "Somewhere special." He said. "It's kinda far, so I have to drive us there." he explained.

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